You can watch the video if you go to the PETA link provided below. Things Considered, December 20, 2004 · A grisly videotape recorded inside a kosher slaughterhouse depicts what the animal rights group PETA calls shocking images of animal cruelty. But people in Iowa and kosher authorities are expressing support for the owners of the slaughterhouse. NPR's Greg Allen reports.
<Audio link can be found at the site> AgriProcessors' Cruelty Kosher?Kosher slaughter, done correctly, is kinder and quicker than standard slaughter methods in the United States. But AgriProcessors, the world's largest glatt kosher slaughterhouse, has been ignoring the Jewish commitment to compassion and federal law by mutilating fully conscious animals, shocking them in the face, and slaughtering them in a way that has allowed many to stand and attempt to flee, even minutes after their throats had been slit. Click here to read an account of what our investigator saw.
PETA's Request for Reforms Goes UnheededIn early 2003, PETA received complaints alleging violations of kosher and federal law at AgriProcessors, the world's largest glatt kosher slaughterhouse and the producer of Rubashkin's and Aaron's Best meats. In May 2003, PETA wrote to officials at the company and asked them to investigate and take steps to make certain that cruelty was not occurring there. We suggested that the plant hire Dr. Temple Grandin, the country's leading slaughter expert, who has helped advise on matters of kosher slaughter systems, to advise them on how to avoid some of the worst abuses. AgriProcessors had its attorneys write back to us asserting, "Kosher slaughter is being conducted in accordance with the letter and spirit of Jewish law, which prescribes the most humane treatment of animals that has been known throughout human history." The tone of the letter was not persuasive, so we took a look ourselves.
Since going public with our investigation, PETA has received countless letters of support from concerned people all over the world who are calling for quick action to stop the cruelty at AgriProcessors. Rabbis, scholars, animal welfare experts, and USDA inspectors have all spoken out about the extreme cruelty that our undercover investigator was able to capture on tape. Dr. Temple Grandin, assistant professor of animal science at Colorado State University, has provided expert advice to PETA and has said that incompetent kosher slaughterers and shoddy quality control at AgriProcessors are giving shechitah a bad name. "I thought it was the most disgusting thing I'd ever seen. I couldn't believe it. I've been in at least 30 other kosher slaughter plants, and I had never ever seen that kind of procedure done before," she said. Click here to read the statements of other experts from around the world who all agree that the conditions at AgriProcessors have to change.
Eating Meat Supports CrueltyEvery day, hundreds of animals endure unimaginable cruelty at this AgriProcessors slaughterhouse. Maybe after seeing the fear and pain on the faces of the animals we captured on videotape, you will go vegetarian and persuade family and friends to join you. If you are already vegetarian or vegan, there's still a lot you can do to help. Please don't think that if you don't eat kosher meat, this doesn't apply to you: Kosher slaughter is more than twice as well regulated as conventional slaughter and is supposed to be more humane. Also, most meat from kosher slaughterhouses is sold as conventional, not kosher meat.