Edited on Wed Dec-22-04 01:19 PM by JohnyCanuck
Suicide has not been proved say some British doctors.
From the Letters section of The Guardian:
Questions over Kelly
Wednesday December 22, 2004
The Guardian Dr David Kelly is the first British citizen whose sudden, unexpected and violent death has been denied an inquest. Three weeks after Dr Kelly's body was found, Lord Falconer ordered that the inquest into his death be adjourned indefinitely and subsumed into a public inquiry by invoking section 17a of the Coroner's Act 1988.
The section is designed to avoid duplication of inquiry in cases of multiple deaths where the cause of death can, to some extent, be assumed from the outset. But Dr Kelly's was a solitary death coming amid a political storm concerning doubts over the government's case for war with Iraq, and its cause required rigorous investigation. The Hutton inquiry had no power to call a jury, subpoena witnesses or cross-examine them under oath.
Disquiet expressed recently by paramedics over finding very little blood at the scene of Dr Kelly's death gives credence to our view that it is highly improbable Dr Kelly died of haemorrhage from a transected ulnar artery. From such a wound he would have lost only about a pint of blood, and for death to occur he would need to have lost some five pints. And Co-Proxamol levels in his blood were one-third of what is normally regarded as a fatal dose.
In his report, Lord Hutton confirmed that he had seen a photograph of Dr Kelly lying with his head against the base of a tree. Two volunteer searchers stated they found Dr Kelly's body slumped against a tree. Yet the paramedics who arrived later, and five other witnesses, including the forensic pathologist, reported that the body was flat on its back a foot from the tree. Police photographed the body in this position. Given that there is photographic evidence showing the body in two different positions, it must be determined who moved the body, and when and why.
Dr Michael Powers QC Martin Birnstingl Specialist in vascular surgery Chris Burns-Cox Specialist in internal general medicine C Stephen Frost Specialist in diagnostic radiology David Halpin Specialist in orthopaedic and trauma surgery William McQuillan Specialist in orthopaedic and trauma surgery Andrew Rouse Consultant in public health John Henry Scurr Specialist in vascular surgery Searle Sennett Specialist in anaesthesiology
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