-snips from today's DOD press transcript, as rummy explains why he's not protecting the troops....notice how rummy never answers the question, and INSULTS our troops by comparing their deaths to murders/fires that occur everyday in cities....
http://www.defenselink.mil/transcripts/2004/tr20041222-secdef1861.htmlQ: Can I do a follow-up, Mr. Secretary, on that same issue?
Do you and General Myers think it's unwise or was unwise to put 400- plus servicemen and civilians and others in a huge tent the size of a football field on a base in a combat zone, a base that had been hit by mortars and RPGs? And if you do think it's unwise, are either one of you or both going to sound off to Generals Casey and Ham, or take them to the woodshed?
Q: Would you --
SEC. RUMSFELD: It seems to me --
Q: May I do a follow-up?
SEC. RUMSFELD: Just a minute. No.
Q: No follow-ups?
SEC. RUMSFELD: Let me respond -- (laughs) -- to your first one before you follow up.
If you think about it, it's a normal reaction to see something like that and say, "Why wasn't it stopped?" Or a beheading, and say, "Why didn't somebody stop the beheading?" And of course the other way to look at it is, think of the people who did the beheading. Those are the people we're up against.
Someone can say, "Well, people are coming across the border with jihadists from Syria; why aren't they stopped?" The other question is, why doesn't Syria stop the jihadists from coming across the border?
It is a -- it is something that one has to put into context. And I say that in respect for the military commanders on the ground, who have multiple tasks, are challenged constantly.
I mean, think of the murders that take place in every major city in the world; one can say, "Well, why aren't they stopped?" Or the fires that take place and things that happen. And there are terrible things and the loss of life is heartbreaking, and it's a normal human instinct. But the other way to think about it or an additional way to think about it is think about turning that country over and letting them win, those people who are doing those things. It would be a terrible loss for civilized society.