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When are the Democrats going to win?

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n2mark Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-23-04 04:43 AM
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When are the Democrats going to win?
when the party and their so called members decide to support their party. I am really getting tired of all the infighting within the party, that is some thing the pukes learned.

Okay, Dean says something one day, DU knocks him for it. He says something different another day, DU knocks him for it. He can't win. This goes for any candidate that is running for office. We tear them apart before they can receive any type of support . We don't need Rove, we have our own Rove in our party only the Rove in our party destroys our candidates. People believed the doubts within our own party, to be honest people did not see us cohesive, that was what they were looking for in this insecure world. Shrub proved along with the support of his party and others proved to be cohesive.

I read DU and I read the Kerry blogs during the campaign, DU and the Kerry blog people hurt Kerry by not believing in their candidate that is why shrub won. The shrub blogs or whatever you want to call them truly believed shrub was the one,this is what we need to do. Let me give examples, Kerry should do it this way, Kerry should not have said that, Kerry should have responded faster, Kerry should have Edwards working harder, Kerry's wife should not have said that, Kerry should have said this... tell Kerry this and so on. This was not support, this was giving votes to shrub.

Our next candidate if we want to win must have our 100% support that is it in a nutshell folks. That is how shrub won. Run to another party, do what you want, but if we are not solid for one candidate without tearing him apart we will remain the minority party.

The Democratic Party did the same thing, they did not fight until the end when it was too late.

I suggest when a Dem candidate is selected or elected to run for office his followers should give them 100% as the pukes give unless ethics or morals is a question. If your candidate is not within the two party system, do what you want., just don't create chaos in our system.
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jmowreader Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-23-04 05:08 AM
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1. We need to give our all no matter what
Even if morals or ethics are a question.

Standing behind morally-questionable men is what put Reagan, Bush 1, Bush 2, DeLay, office.

Does this mean that if a Democratic Tom DeLay comes up, we should accept him without question? No, we should send him back to the Republican Party where he belongs.

No one is perfect, and we need to quit looking for Mr. Perfect.
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Sirveri Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-23-04 05:38 AM
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2. We will win when the voting machines are taken out.
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Seabiscuit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-23-04 05:53 AM
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3. You Democrats? How about "Your people" while you're at it.
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alexwcovington Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-23-04 06:31 AM
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4. Unfortunately we're the party that accepts debate
Do we embrace this concept and continue to lose, or subvert our ideals at least temporarily for the greater good?

This is a philosophical discussion more than anything else. Do we want to win above all else, or do we want to win on principle?

A more fundamental question lies in our perception of the public at large. Is the public a bunch of unthinking cattle, or are they a mass of cynics that feel their voice doesn't matter anyway. And does it? Why bother voting when there are 50 million people with a different opinion?

The answer lies somewhere in between. Unfortunately there are no absolute truths. You cannot have principle all the time. You cannot win all the time.

We can play the game the Republican way, we can go on as we have, or we can make new rules. We can redefine politics again like the Republicans do, not by being assholes and yelling at each other, but by putting out a hand to America and asking, "How can we help you?"

Or maybe I'm just being all idealistic again.
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