Butcher to apologize for comments
Some school administrators are calling for Butcher's removal from the 2005 Legislature's House Education Committee after he called severely disabled students ‘'vegetables” during a public meeting of the central Montana school superintendents last week.
Brown forced the senator to change his tune. Brown said Butcher will issue a written apology to the group of administrators he made the comments to, and will share his apology with the media. Butcher will not be removed from the House Education Committee.
At last week's meeting, Butcher said “vegetables,” in reference to seriously disabled children, should be removed from the traditional school setting and relocated in regional hub schools that can better meet their needs. Butcher said Montana's small schools simply cannot afford to meet the varying needs of all disabled students.
And in explaining his comments about minority student populations, Butcher said “Montana teachers who leave the state for better-paying jobs elsewhere have to deal with groups of Hispanic, Asian and black gangs that are terrorizing schools.”
get on a school board or education committee and you have POWER.
Butcher, another man that needs to be tied to his kitchen chair and not let out of the house.