When an individual government does not function properly, people often come together and form their own alternative infrastructure to deal with the needs of it's citizens that the ruling power isn't addressing.
It seems like George Bush is basically deciding to be president of "Taking American's money and spending it on Over Sea Wars" as he does not seem all that interested in governing.
The establishment just isn't listening to us, no matter how many letters we send or protests we hold; officials the majority of Americans do not agree with have complete control of the reigns of power, and will not easily give them up. Who knows if we can ever have a real election again.
Perhaps it is time to come together to form our OWN government, at least to deal with the most undressed issues our country faces. Some are already starting the ball rolling in many ways, some working successfully at the state level, others through slowly forming an alternative economy.
After reading Thom Hartman's Book "Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight" however, and after seeing what I have seen and learning what I have over the last few years, I feel it may be time to put the peddle to the metal; Or the bio-diesel, if you will.
http://www.biodiesel.org/resources/faqs/Yes bio-diesel, available soon at a commune near you, or at least near me. When a nearby commune showed me their bio-diesel fill-up station a sort of lightning rod went off in my head. I had just taken part in an old fashioned barn raising after paying a small amount to stay over in one of the communities retreat rooms. That night they were having a special cafe that anybody can come to with sliding scale admission. They also had a small information center and practitioners of alternative medicine to keep down health expenses.
No they were not completely "off the grid" but they made money from running a retreat center, giving massages and teaching people to build. They work with a small network of other communities like themselves to trade goods and services for other things they may need, and they do quite well.
"They are just a small little no-nothing commune, what use are they", you may ask. But then imagine a bio diesel station in every commune around the country, imagine vegetable trucks with bio diesel engines, imagine people coming together, buying land together, building houses together, growing food together, even purchasing health care together and building small medical facilities.-
Well, they're doing it baby! And I guess I am basically asking everyone here to try to join the network if it at all interests you. Bring your thoughts, your skills, your resources, and meet-up with like minded people. If you can't work on a state-level, make your own state within a state like the ecovillage I mentioned above.
If we put our words and wishes into action we can bleed this sorry excuse for a "government" dry, while we work on creating an infrastructure for those who be hit most hard by the destruction of social security, unending war, and looming oil crisis. If those idiots in Washington can even create the illusion of a government, if we get our heads together we can create much more.
Here are some links to ways that people are working that covers many aspects of our lives.
Intentional Communites search engine-
http://www.ic.org/Willing workers on Organic Farms-
http://www.wwoof.org/Food Issues-
http://www.secondharvest.org/http://www.foodnotbombs.net/http://freegan.info/Community Issues-
http://www.truthout.org/index.htmhttp://www.democracynow.org/Please add some:)