(My friend Shirlene just sent me this in an e-mail)
Right Before Christmas (In Iraq) -- A Poem to the White House A BUZZFLASH READER CONTRIBUTION by Lisa Knappe
I wrote this poem this morning after reading about the bombing in Mosul. This is my Christmas present to the white house.
Right Before Christmas (In Iraq) Lisa Knappe 12/21/04
Twas right before Christmas and all through the white house, not a creature was thinking not even the mouse.
The country was hijacked without even a care, Some of us hope, Canada welcomes us there.
Shrub was nestled all warm in his bed, while delusions of grandeur danced in his head.
And Rumsfeld with his armor and Rove with his crap, Had just screwed the people again! - in a snap!
When out in Iraq there arose such a clatter, We ran to the net to see what was the matter.
22 more soldiers dead in a flash. 22 families won't get their kids back.
"The wars going fine, we're not doing any harm." Chimp said to the press, turning on the charm.
"Rummy's a good man, yes fine indeed." Who care's what you soldiers, in Iraq, might need.
The driver of the humvee, and the kids eating lunch, To Rumsfeld, they're all such a needy bunch.
Why, we're spreading freedom and liberation! To those poor Iraqi's we're bringing salvation!
Well Mr. Bush, Mr. Rumsfeld and Cheney, Or is that Hitler, Hussein, Stalin and Khomeini?
And you Carlyle, Kellogg, Halliburton, Thank you for hanging a new iron curtain.
This winter season is marred with distrust, The American people are sick with disgust.
The things you've done in each our names. The innocents you've killed, the cities in flames.
There are patriots still here, you won't see us coming. We gather in quiet, no fife corps, no drumming.
You see, we learned from those who came before. Only the will of the people can stop this war.
So, if you hear a roar on your inauguration day, You'll know, it's just us and we're coming to say,
We've had it with your lies and the murders you commit. The people have gathered and we will NOT get over it!
Peace and Love to all.
Bob Rowe