The Democratic Party as "The Washington Generals"
By Ernest Partridge
Co-Editor, "The Crisis Papers."
December 21, 2004Remember “the Washington Generals?”
They were the basketball team that toured with the Harlem Globetrotters – a team that was beaten and humiliated at every “game,” as they were meant to be.
The Globetrotters put on a great show, but it was just that: a “show,” an exhibition, but no more an authentic “game” than a WWF “smackdown” is authentic wrestling. But the opposing team, “The Generals,” were an indispensable part of the comedy show, as were the phony “referees.” Getting creamed by the Globetrotters, and looking pathetic and foolish in the process, was the role of the Washington Generals in the charade, masquerading as a basketball game.
If the recent presidential election was, as compelling statistical and circumstantial evidence suggests, a fraud perpetrated by three private GOP corporations, and if the media and Democratic Party officials persist in pretending that the election was honest and legitimate, then the Democratic Party has consented to play the role of a permanently powerless political faction in an autocracy masquerading as a democracy.