Just watched a bit of WWE "Smackdown" from Iraq....
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Fri Dec-24-04 12:01 AM
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Just watched a bit of WWE "Smackdown" from Iraq.... |
An exhibition of fake fights, relying highly on sexism, racism and misogony, to entertain the poor saps fighting a war based on lies....
And they wonder why they hate us....
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Fri Dec-24-04 12:03 AM
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One of the reasons I stopped watching the WWE back around January was because it was becoming a military love-fest. Almost every show had a match dedicated by the "good guy" wrestlers to our Armed Forces.
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Fri Dec-24-04 01:07 AM
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enjoying the fake fighting. The guys in the shit have seen all the real stuff they could ever want.
100 years and about twenty wars ago, we got one USO show in our tiny base in the boondocks. We were such animals, they promised us we'd never get another one.
We'd have eaten the WWE steroid cases.
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Thu Mar 13th 2025, 03:32 AM
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