list... positive effects on prostate cancer cell, breast cancer cell and cervical cancer cell apoptosis. Inhibition of carcinogenesis by HPV, yada yada yada. My point is that there are safe and effective supplements out there, have been for years, with tremendous liver protective properties, tremendous anti-viral properties, etc etc that have been totally ignored by the pharmcos simply because they do not "own" them. For this reason, hundreds of thousands have died before their time.
ALL DRUGS ARE TOXIC, whether derived from plants or coal tar.
Most foods have toxic metabolites that are handled by the liver... which is only stressed more when a person is adding chemicals/drugs to their regimen, making this natural supplement (below) all the more necessary in today's toxic environment.
Foods and their toxic metabolites: in Food
Naturally Occurring Toxins
Many non-nutrient natural substances in "natural" foods behave badly. We can think of their activity as chemically stressful. Chemical or molecular stressors increase chaos and decrease orderly, sensible body function. A chemical stressor is a bit of nonsense, a substance with no meaningful role to play or a toxic role that is destructive. In this review, a brief profile of stressors and toxins is developed more to illustrate the role of natural chemical stressors than to exhaust this vast and complicated subject.
BTW, Silymarin is another name for the simple herb Milk Thistle and skin cancer prevention: Anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and immunomodulatory effects (Review). cancer prevention by silibinin.
Several epigenetic alterations leading to constitutively active mitogenic and cell-survival signaling, and loss of apoptotic response are causally involved in self-sufficiency of prostate cancer (PCA) cells toward uncontrolled growth, and increased secretion of pro-angiogenic factors. Therefore, one targeted approach for PCA prevention, growth control and/or treatment could be inhibition of epigenetic molecular events involved in PCA growth, progression and angiogenesis. In this regard, silibinin/silymarin (silibinin is the major active compound in silymarin) has shown promising efficacy. thistle: is there a role for its use as an adjunct therapy in patients with cancer?
Division of Pediatric Oncology, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.
The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is common among patients with cancer. Many of these patients use CAM therapies to decrease the risk of late effects that are sometimes associated with cancer therapy. Certain classes of effective anticancer agents can induce short- and long-term toxicity to the liver. Currently, there are no safer alternatives to these medications. Milk thistle (Silybum marianum) is a botanical that may be useful in the prevention or treatment of liver dysfunction in patients undergoing anticancer therapy.
Publication Types:
* Review
* Review, Tutorial
PMID: 12816629