When Will They Call Her....Gov Elect..
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Fri Dec-24-04 03:29 PM
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When Will They Call Her....Gov Elect.. |
It is in times like this you can see who the local news papers support.
Not one of the Seattle area papers have titled Christine Gregior as Gov. Elect.....but they were very quick to do the same when Rossi won the first count....
The process has ran its course and alls that is left for Rossi now is the typical REPUG smear and smear more campaign.
Im glad that Christine WON.....she is far more classy than smug ole Rossi.
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Fri Dec-24-04 03:31 PM
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1. Never. It simply will not happen. |
Edited on Fri Dec-24-04 03:32 PM by 0rganism
The commercial newsmedia has decided that it cannot manufacture consent on behalf of the Democrats the way it does for the Republicans. Won't happen.
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Fri Dec-24-04 03:45 PM
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5. Agree to a point, however |
the republicans never sit back and "let" the media manufacture consent.
The repukes have consent bottled and packaged up and just feed it up to the media for distribution. The repukes spray the media with that new Calvin Klein fragrance "Consent" and their candidate with the fragrance "Legitimacy".
The repukes act "as if" and use every buzzword and every subliminal cue that their guy is the "winner" and the other guy is the "challenger". That any count where she wins is wrong but every count where their guy wins is right. That dems are slimes and weasels and repukes are always the injured party.
The media's too stupid to cook all that up themselves. But they are lazy enough that they can be used to feed the masses whatever the repukes want. If the dems were as good at manipulating the media, they'd serve up what we want them to.
They're not biased, just stupid, lazy and incompetent. Dems have to learn to take advantage of the media's weaknesses.
Jade Fox
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Fri Dec-24-04 03:35 PM
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2. Will they point out how Rossi claimed he would not have called for a |
recount the way Gregoire did (when he was winning), but is now going to fight the results of the recount in her favor?
I'm guessing no.
The Republican Party has become the party of utter hypocrisy and slime.
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Fri Dec-24-04 03:35 PM
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3. When the Sec of State certifies the election. :) |
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Fri Dec-24-04 03:38 PM
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4. Okay, that picture kicks my ass. Cut it out. But I agree |
that it's time for Gregoire to get off that "I won't declare victory until the vote is certified" crap and just take what she earned. The WA dem party had to force this on her, but now it is time for her to simply declare that the election is over, the votes have been counted and time to move on and govern the state.
The repuke argument right now is that their previous argument against recanvassing is wrong and now they want all counties to recanvass.
They're hypocrites and Gregoire's surrogates should be out there now saying that.
Can dems never learn what the repukes know in their lizard brains - that it's the illusion you create that counts?
Gregoire needs to build the conventional wisdom and conception of her as the Governor elect. It's not the media's job to do that (well it is, but they won't do it).
Everywhere she goes and in every press release she should be called Gov. Elect by her own staff and by every dem luminary or elected official in WA.
There's a reason the repukes were scared shitless to be the challengers in this fight. Now they are. Take advantage of it.
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