While perusing another site (computer hardware related of all things) this ignorant fool was posting this crappola.
As you walk up the steps to the building which houses the U.S. Supreme Court you can see near the top of the building a row of the world's law givers and each one is facing one in the middle who is facing forward with a full frontal view ... it is Moses and he is holding the Ten Commandments!
As you enter the Supreme Court courtroom, the two huge oak doors have the Ten Commandments engraved on each lower portion of each door.
He goes on a diatribe about how the founding fathers certainly wanted a Christian government and selects quotes from the likes of John Jay, Jefferson and Washington to name a few. With as much respect as I could muster, and I was really biting my tongue, I responded:
Interesting thread. With all due respect to (Name removed to protect the ignorant ;) ) and others like him I do not believe the idea that this country was founded with the idea that religion would be a driving force in government. The individuals may have been personally religious but this country was founded on freedom of religion and therefore the very astute founders were aware that any sense of a state sponsored religion would be detrimental to that right.
Many of the founders, especially Jefferson were "enlightened" individuals. Afterall, that time period is known as The Enlightenment when science advancements were pushing human knowledge forward.
In fact, as a Christian, be it liberal Christian, I am having deep concerns with my government's blurring of the lines when it comes to separation of church and state. Just as we have seen with extreme Islam, extreme Christianity is very, very bad and harmful to any government. I am so upset that I took issue with some members of my own church. Some are blindly right wing and blame everything on the left making assumptions and assertions that are no where even close to being true. So I took issue with them. If anyone cares to read it, I'll post what I wrote to a huge email list that my church has in response to a nasty attack by some of them.
Anyhow, regarding those pics in the first post, is there anyone besides xxxxx that can verify the veracity of the pics?
And in contrast to what a few (or maybe the majority) think, I present the following in response to the idea that Christianity was meant to be part of our government. Make sure you read all.
http://www.nobeliefs.com/Tripoli.htmhttp://www.sullivan-county.com/news/ffnc/ (even though this site says they were not Christian, they all could have been privately but felt that in government religion was harmful.)
http://www.deism.org/foundingfathers.htmTake a read and I await comments.
Respectfully posted...
Almost all of what I wrote I gleemed from DU. Great resource we have here. Any thoughts?
Oh and if you celebrate it.