The same shit as ususal whenever a Republican gets in office. I was browsing FReeperville and saw a somewhat interesting thread. It seems that a sizeable group of them are pissed that Bush is spending so much, and they are trying to get a movement of people to call, write, etc. and discourage Bush from spending.
"Hey, this is good news" I foolishly thought. Then I kept reading.
They want him to cut spending all right: On domestic issues.
They still want military spending, they still want "free education and health care for the liberated people of Iraq (It will be cheaper and cheaper as we keep killing them, I guess).
And they still want their fucking tax cuts (even though only about 4% of them will see a sizeable return that will do more than help them knock down a credit card payment).
This shit always happens, and I knew it would happen more and more as Bush kept fucking up.
There is always money for the military and tax cuts (I know, they don't cost money, but they decrease revenue and therefore its the same as spending). For some reason though, despite a deficit that his fast approaching half a trillion dollars, those greedy bastards don't want to spend even $20 million on education.
Its sick.