I was glad to see others use this to make their voices heard. Our county has been so clueless, not realizing that their government has become the religious right.
I got this from a friend, and it is the latest sign up at the courthouse. The lady is a member of the great Unitarian church here. Here is an article about the group she mentions. Remember, our Southern Baptists here are trying to use the law to police morality. Many folks here who were not of the gay community stood with them in front of this church to protest.
http://www.baynews9.com/content/36/2004/11/21/62562.htmlSNIP.."It wasn't a meeting of the minds, but it also wasn't a heated battle of words. Instead, what started out as a protest turned into a civil exchange about differing viewpoints on gay marriage between members of Equality Polk County and members of the First Baptist Church at the Mall.
"We're not trying to change the church," said Jim Narbone of Equality Polk County. "We're not trying to tell the church they have to honor these marriages. We're not trying to say we're right and they're wrong. We just want equal protection under the law."
Here is the sign, which was originally the Zoroastrian sign.
AND here is the lawyer for the church who put up the manger scene. He is former speaker of the Florida House, Johnnie Byrd. Mixing religion and politics. He looks so smug.
On Edit: I forgot to mention this was about the manger scene placed without permission in front of the courthouse, then the Festivus sign.