Point 1: Take a look at their membership list:
http://www.tapps.net/MembershipSchoolsXcity.PDF. Most of these schools are overtly religious institutions, and I'm willing to bet we're not talking about Unitarians or Quakers. Also, those that are not overtly religious are almost certainly Christian schools.
Point 2: From their own constituion --
http://www.tapps.net/Constitution.html: ARTICLE III
1. Membership in TAPPS is limited to private and parochial schools in the state of Texas, with students enrolled in grades 9-12.
a. Private schools are defined as those schools that are established, conducted and primarily supported by a non-government agency -or- primarily supported by student tuition.
b. Parochial schools are defined as those schools that are controlled by, supported by, or within the jurisdiction of a church parish. My comment: Notwithstanding the reference to church and paris, anyone see a restriction to Christian schools?
Point 3: According to their own bylaws --
http://www.tapps.net/Bylaws2001-02.html -- a TAPPS member school must maintain accrediation with one of the following:
a. National Christian Schools Association
b. Independent Schools Association of the Southwest
c. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools
d. Texas Alliance of Accredited Private Schools
e. Lutheran Schools Accreditation Commission
f. Accreditation Commission of the Texas Association of Christian Schools International
g. Texas Catholic Conference Education Department
h. International Christian Accrediting Association
i. Texas Seventh Day Adventist School System
j. Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools
k. Association of Christian Teachers and Schools
l. Accreditation Commission of the Texas Association of Baptist Schools
m. Texas Education Agency
If the Islamic school applying for TAPPS membership has such accreditation, what prevents them from being accepted, other than bigotry and hate?
Point 4: Time for a movement in Texas to remove their non-profit status? Certainly concerned Texas should bring this to the attention of the Texas education agency as well as to Texas dem congressional delegation.