Edited on Sat Dec-25-04 09:21 PM by oscar111
doom-ish as your post made things seem.
As to Fiat, i am unfamiliar with that case... but keep in mind, some enterprises will fail regardless of the model.. TWA and Xerox failed, in their model. Recall the massive failure of the nonunion Savings and Loans? All in their model for sure. Both Credit Unions and Banks will fail, somewhere.
There is waste in their model at the top... two million dollar birthday parties... and in our model at the bottom.. we dont work as hard. I prefer our model.
The waste may be equal in both models , just benefiting different folks. I like it to benefit me, not Kozlowski with his birthday parties.
PS the highly unionized model of an economy also ends scourges like mass homelessness, which is inexcusable. They die at three times the normal rate. 150 000 per year deaths, due to heat, cold, and rat bites. Includes vets, small children, and the elderly.
I have seen a young twentyish girl with a small kid at midnight in a rough part of town, with a sign "want work". A part of town so rough, i would not visit it, except for the cabbie having picked the route from one safe area to another on the other side.
Reagan cut housing aid by 2/3rds, beginning mass homelessness. An abomination.