it was published in the 50s or early 60s....written by an Anglican bishop......material about the history of the Bible and of Christianity that most in congregations had never heard but was standard fare in seminaries.....
set off a major firestorm among conservative Christians.....some of them got together and wrote an 'answer' entitled For Jesus' Sake
there were previous or on-going fights over the Revised Standard Version of the Bible and Paul Tillich, a well-known theologian often quoted and interviewed
the RSV controversy: partly there was a controversy because it was the first generally known translation to be placed along side the King James Version.....the main 'problem': the text in Isaiah (?) that is taken to be the prophecy of Jesus' birth was translated 'behold, a young woman shall conceive and bear a son' instead of 'a virgin'
....very strange ....now conservative church schools recommend that majors/serious students use the recently revised RSV,,,,,,most of the students are totally unaware of the original controversy
the Tillich controversy: Tillich was a German theologian who was in the first group of univ profs fired by the Nazis....he taught at Union Theological Seminary and at the U of Chicago......he talked about 'the ultimate Ground of being' (???).....he had been part of the German Christian Socialist movement after WWI......he was definitely NOT a fundamentalist