Edited on Sun Dec-26-04 02:25 AM by rsmith6621
I just sent off the following letter to Sen Murray and Cantwell D from Washington state....
If you live were you have a DEM US Senator I urge you to send a letter and encourage them to protest the Ohio vote.
To: The Honorable Senator Patty Murray.
Dear Senator Murray,
I am writing to urge you to protest the national certification on January 6th, 2004 based on the continued growing evidence that there was possible wrong doing by a company named TRIAD in Ohio State.
The above is not the only issue at hand. There like Florida in 2000 seems to be continued disenfranchisement of black and low income voters plus those who stood in line for ten hours only then told they were at the wrong polling place without receiving proper notification to that effect.
I would also urge you to support Senator Conyers in his work that is ongoing. You have the ability to shape the 2006-8 vote by standing against wrong today and on January 6th by just saying NO!!....and not casting a vote to affirm the vote until every angle of possible fraud is looked at.
Thank you for your time. .............................................
Feel free and copy it for yourselfs and replace the Senators name with yours.