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The man with the reverse Midas touch.

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KlatooBNikto Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 02:47 PM
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The man with the reverse Midas touch.
That would be a man who can take gold and with a touch of his hand turn it into worthless dust.And, of course, that would be our latter day reverse Midas,Mr.Bush himself.In the last four years he has accomplished the following feats:

1.Taken a perfectly well functioning economy churning out surpluses as far as the eye can see and turn it into a pathetic one about on par with Argentina's. The deficits have soared,unemployment has increased, the move of companies to overseas locations has turned into a flood.The working poor are now going hungry.Not content with the havoc he has already wrought, he now plans to assault Social Security,pulling out the one true safe harbor people could cling to in their old age.

2. Taken us into a needless war based on lies that is draining our blood and money, again with no end in sight.He has clearly accomplished an unimaginable feat in Iraq.Making the Iraqi ( and quite possibly many American as well) people long for the good old days of Saddam.

3. Alienated our old allies in Europe irretrievably.He has provided the reason for Putin to form an alliance with Brazil, India and China to resist our threats, economic and military.This nascent alliance threatens to become a major force as the EU contemplates possible inclusion into this alliance and oil rich countries like Iran and Venezuela join in.

4.Despite all the tax cuts he has provided the wealthy and the corporations, is unable to sustain any economic growth and whatever meager growth is taking place is happening without any upturn in employment.

5. His Defense Secretary claims that the Iraqi people are responsible for the failure of his policy in Iraq!

Only he could have pulled off the best feat of them all.After having gone AWOL,during Vietnam, he has taken his revenge on America by exceeding our failure in Vietnam with one with even more devastating consequences.He is a truly gifted man.
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Mayberry Machiavelli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 02:50 PM
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1. He was turning things to pooty even before becoming TX Gov.
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SariesNightly Donating Member (237 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 04:04 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. Never underestimate the power..
.. of stupid people in large groups. For it is they who keep our Dear Leader in the White House instead of the big house. Is this retribution? For failing to raise a politically aware society?

At the risk of Bushmongering, I bet there's still some silver lining in all this,

1. The huge national debt is big money spent on something, and those people selling that something cannot be happier. When companies relocate offshore, they save a lot in tax free havens full of cheap labor. Selling the same stuff at first world prices have never been more profitable. They've been looting from Social Security for years when overspending. Now they don't have to do it in the dark anymore.

2. Two billion a day is spent there, those non-Iraqis who are getting that sum are smiling from ear to ear.

3. To be honest, this is good in the long run. Petrodollars, IMF and the World Bank have been propping up the white elephant for far too long now at the expense of all the countries in the world who cannot legally print American dollars. In fact, Bush attacked Saddam to stop him from trading oil in Euros, fearing a domino effect. His belligerence made him blind, for in that act of desperation, the petrodollar Achilles Heel is revealed in all its faded splendor.

4. So what if mass consumption is the engine of growth? At least his rich buddies who already have more mansions, cars and companies than they can ever resell can get tax relief nickels to build more factories in Shanghai to escape all the taxes and regulations here.

5. Rummy's being nice, the blowhards on holy hate radio can't wait to carpet bomb the whole place, in the same way Team America blew up the Louvre in the name of freedom!!

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JohnnyRingo Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 03:08 PM
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2. Everything Buxh has done has lined the pockets of the few co-conspirators
who helped him craft his policies.
I believe EVERY decision he's made while in office has been designed to that end. The Midas touch is a matter of perspective.

"Mission Accomplished"
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stopbush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Dec-26-04 04:23 PM
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4. Sadly, everything's going according the the * plan.
The only mistake anyone makes is assuming that things have somehow gone "wrong." The crappy economy, unemployment, war and the rest are what they's what they planned for years ago.

As long as the sheeple can be kept in a constant state of fear, bushco wins. Why look to the government for help - or even concern - when the invisible sky god of myth is there to help? Send your tax money to DC to line the pockets of the war profiteers. Send your kids, too!...their bodies can line the earth while cheap white crosses mark their enduring legacy of sacrifice to Cheney and his Halliburton cronies.

Yep, it's all going according to plan...
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