carried out the Sept. 11 terror attacks on the United States? People in the pay of Saudi Arabia, trained and maintained by the secret services of Pakistan. What did George W. Bush do to punish these accomplices to mass murder on American soil? Nothing. Instead he killed more than 30,000 innocent people -- in Iraq.
Zubaydah, captured by the Americans last year, confirmed that Saudi royals began paying off bin Laden in 1991. Young Osama, victoriously returned from the CIA-backed jihad against the Soviets in Afghanistan, was feeling his fundamentalist oats, and wanted to take up arms against the demonic secularist Saddam, after the latter's invasion of Kuwait. But the Saudi royals preferred to bring in the hired muscle of their long-time business partner, George H.W. Bush. When Osama threw a fit over the presence of American "infidels" on holy ground, the royals told him he could go kill Americans if he wanted to -- as long as he kept his jihad hobby outside the confines of the kingdom. They bought his compliance with copious amounts of petrodollars -- most of them supplied, ironically enough, by the oil-addicted denizens of the United States.
Naturally, the Bushists kept these insights into the origins of the Sept. 11 atrocity hidden from those perpetual patsies, the American people. They didn't want to embarrass their Saudi and Pakistani allies, who were now pouring money into the pockets of Bush's war-profiteering cronies in the arms trade. What's more, an open investigation into the true context of the attack would have distracted from the more important business at hand: slaughtering Iraqis for fun and profit.
Dazed by the lure of loot and glory, hamstrung by their own willful ignorance of the complexities of history and human nature, the third-rate thugs of the Bush Regime have entered into an unwitting collaboration with the equally dazed, equally ignorant bin Laden mafia. Each gang draws meaning and justification from the other, each cloaks its own criminality and murder in the guise of a crusade against the other's evil. And both draw their power and profit from the same unrenewable natural resource:
The blood of innocent people.