Sorry for the rustiness.
This is the kind of stuff they never report because the corporate media in this country does the government's total bidding.
Abu Chraib? Barely a word.
The NED instigating that coup in Venezuela? Not a peep.
What we backed in Haiti? Not one word.
War crimes in Iraq? Not happening.
The NED meddling in other country's politics to place the most Western friendly politicians who will sell their country for a few barrels of whiskey the way Yeltsin did? Never happened.
Mind you, I am not backing Putin on this. But I am also not backing Bush's man. A German friend of mine told me that Germany has already been wheeling and dealing with Yushchenko to but up a lot of the utility companies. Ouch.
And anything Soros is involved in stinks. He's been trying to get Yushchenko in there since 2001.
March 02, 2001
Soros calls on Kuchma to step aside, make way for Yushchenko
Ukrainian News
KYIV, Mar. 2 (Ukrainian News) - Major international financier George Soros in a letter published by the Financial Times on Friday called on President Leonid Kuchma to step aside pending the outcome of an official investigation into the murder of journalist Georgy Gongadze.
In his letter, entitled "Step Aside, Mr. Kuchma," Soros calls on Kuchma to hand over his duties to Prime Minister Viktor Yushchenko while the investigation into Gongadze’s murder goes forward.
State prosecutors ruled Gongadze’s death a murder this week after DNA tests showed a 99.9 percent probability that a headless body found in the outskirts of Kyiv last November belonged to the journalist.
The letter from Soros is the latest in high-profile appeals that Ukraine clean up its act with respect to democracy, the rule of law and press freedom.
U.S. President George W. Bush on Friday also sent a sharply-worded verbal message to Ukraine, delivered by United States ambassador to Ukraine Carlos Pasqual.
In the message, the U.S. warns Ukraine that the financial aid that the U.S. has been doling out to the economically-strained ex-Soviet state since it gained independence was at risk due to repressive measures by Ukrainian authorities against democratic processes.
(snip) does Soros thinks he is, not only telling the president of a country to step down, but telling him, who should take over?
Soros thinks he owns Ukraine. It's Soros against Putin, not "democracy against communism". By his own admission, he spent millions of dollars to get Yushchenko in. I think he's
getting waaaay too involved in the Sovereignty of nations. Georgia & other countries come to mind.
Soros gets splattered in Ukraine
31 March, 2004

The billionaire philanthropist George Soros got a wet reception in Ukraine when two young men threw water and mayonnaise at him.
The incident happened at a human rights conference in the capital, Kiev.
The two men were immediately arrested by the police. The radical nationalist group Bratstvo (Brotherhood) claimed responsibility for the attack.
The group accused Mr Soros of trying to repeat in Ukraine the Georgia-type "velvet revolution" of last November.
Some critics have suggested that Mr Soros' Open Society Institute played a role in the ouster of Georgian President Eduard Shevardnadze, who was forced resigned amid mass public protests.
(snip) the reason of attention and interest of Soros in taking control over Georgia must be in acquiring control over Georgian transit of oil.
The author points out that Soros also is interested in power sector situation in Ukraine. Its Foundation
financed a number of projects aimed at hindering Russian-Ukrainian negotiations related to the oil-pipe line "Odessa-Brody", in order to enable the privatization of such oil-pipe line by Soros. The author says that regardless of the critics by Bush of Soros activities, their interests and acts in post-Soviet countries are the same.
The author summarizes the agenda of Soros visit to Ukraine: meetings with authorities in Crimea, participation in the human rights round table in Kyiv, meetings with leaders of Ukrainian opposition, inspection of activities of IRF (author lists NGOs, which are well-known in Ukraine and financed by IRF). The author is worried about the initiative of international donor organizations (USAID, IRF, NDI, IRI, Eurasia Foundation, Ch.S.Mott Foundation, Development Associates Inc.), which offer to create "Uniform Settlement Chamber for Supporting Grant Programs in respect of Elections - 2004 ðîêó". The author believes that such initiative seriously breaches Ukrainian legislation and is an interference by foreign countries with internal policy of Ukraine. The author says that the computer system of calculation of votes, which was created on the basis of foreign capital and used at elections in Serbia and Georgia, intentionally delayed the process of calculation of votes that led to dissatisfaction of voters, which in its turn resulted in revolution. That is why the author believes that similar initiative in Ukraine is a specially planned campaign aimed at changing the ruling regime in Ukraine. The author calls the General Procurator’s Office and other state bodies for preventing the interference of “philanthropists” with domestic affairs of the sovereign country. (for the original article)
What's that about resources in Ukraine? Oil resources? This must come as a shock to Soros and to Bush.