
Dec 25 12:43 PM
This official White House photograph shows US President George W. Bush and US First Lady Laura Bush before the official White House Christmas Tree....

Dec 26 10:03 AM
President Bush carries his dog Barney back to Air Force One after Barney wandered away....

Dec 25 8:51 AM
US President George W. Bush making Christmas Eve phone calls to members of the armed forces....

Dec 26 10:59 AM
President George Bush pulls his wife first lady Laura Bush into a photo op with the Crawford High School Pirates at Texas State Technical College in Waco, Texas....

Dec 24 11:08 AM
U.S. Army soldiers examine the destruction following the explosion in the dining facility at the U.S. military installation December 21 in Mosul....

Dec 26 11:46 AM
This picture taken 26 December 2004 on Thai television broadcasted by Euronews hows residents walking in a flooded street after a tidal wave hit the Phuket region....