.. to become serial killers, and the more serial killers get away with the act, the more they keep doing it.
After reading Mike Rupert's "Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil", am utterly convinced beyond a shadow of a doubt that 9/11 was ALLOWED to happen to further the PNAC's agenda. From the astonishing amount of footnotes from mainstream news channels, I am still amazed that no one else have connected the dots yet. This book makes the 9/11 Commission Report look like a deliberate dog and pony show.
---------------------------------- Michael Ruppert is NOT a sensationalist or professional paranoid. He is a former LAPD police officer who applies the rigorous criteria of criminal investigation to conspiracy research. As an individual, Ruppert is a man with the highest integrity and honesty. The personal struggles he has endured, particularly being ousted from LAPD for daring to expose geuine corruption, is a testament to his character. He did NOT write this book to make money. He is NOT one of the so-called "patriots-for-hire."
Avoiding speculative questions and dubious assertions, Ruppert virtually clinches the case for government prior knwoledge and complicity in the WTC attacks. Ruppert constructs a virtually flawless timeline of the events leading to and transpiring during September 11. The fully assembled picture is a coherent and unmistakable indictment of the Bush Administration and the criminal elite behind it. He also provides a comprehensive analysis of the geostrategy underpinning America's imperialist mobilization.
There are a few issues that I disagree with Ruppert on (specifically his belief that there is a population crisis, a claim premised upon neo-Malthusian science and called into question by several demographic studies). However, such disagreements have little to do with the questions concerning the 9-11 attacks. "Crossing the Rubicon" is essential reading for all those who are concerned about the future of America. ---------------------------------