In his Christmas address, President Bush
urged Americans to help the neediest among them. "Many of our fellow Americans still suffer from the effects of illness or poverty," the president said in his weekly radio address. Christmastime reminds each of us that we have a duty to our fellow citizens, that we are called to love our neighbor just as we would like to be loved ourselves," Mr. Bush added. "By volunteering our time and talents where they are needed most, we help heal the sick, comfort those who suffer and bring hope to those who despair, one heart and one soul at a time."
Oh yes, this is typical Bush. While he pays lip service to compassion for "our fellow Americans" his policy and proposals only add to their "illness or poverty." Here, in the spirit of Christmas, if a rundown of his greatest hits.
- Over the past year, 1.3 million more Americans fell below the poverty line, bringing the total number of Americans living in poverty to 36 million.
- Heating costs projected to increaseby 24% from this time last year, but Congress (and the President) have increased funding for the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program by just $164 million, less than what is needed to cover the expected 24 % increase in home heating costs.
- In his budget for the 2002 fiscal year, Bush tried to cut HEAP funding by $300 million, despite higher unemployment rates and a colder winter. More on this here.
- The Bush Administration has continued its efforts to cutup to 60,000 existing families from the Section 8 program this year through cuts to local Housing Authorities
- The number of people without health insurance increased from 39.8 million in 2000 to 45 million in 2003
And here is a
linkto more Christmas compassion; courtesy of President George W. Bush.