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has left, DU, etc been 'had'?...Ukraine exit polls 'good', now-->US backs

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bobbieinok Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-27-04 08:38 PM
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has left, DU, etc been 'had'?...Ukraine exit polls 'good', now-->US backs

everyone was using Ukraine as THE ex of valid exit we learn US govt and rep and dem parties paid for the polls, the demonstrations, etc

is it possible to 'believe' ANYTHING political any more???????
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HEyHEY Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-27-04 08:39 PM
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1. I really mean this - no offence intended
But your title reads like egyptian could you explain it to me?
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Tinoire Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-27-04 09:07 PM
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2. Nope. And I'm not so sure the left has been had
Progressive reviews/sites are already picking up that something stinks over there. Ron Paul(-R) and Edolphus Towns(-D) are calling for an investigation.


Rising concerns over an estimated $65 million in U.S. taxpayer money used to influence the outcome of the Ukrainian presidential election, despite denial from the White House, have prompted United States Representative Edolphus Towns (D-NY) to request an investigation. Specifically, evidence is mounting that U.S. official funds were funneled to the support of organizations with a known preference for candidate Viktor Yushchenko, and that these organizations were key elements in mobilizing Ukraine's "orange revolution" that sprung up election eve with tents, equipment and huge plasma screens "spontaneously."

"Information in the public domain indicates that a significant portion of the reportedly $65 million spent during the past two years, for such programs in Ukraine, may have been given to organizations with a known partisan agenda in support of one of the presidential candidates," wrote Representative Towns, Ranking Member of the House Subcommittee on Government Efficiency and Financial Management, in a Dec. 14, 2004 letter to Andrew Natsios, Administrator of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), believed to be the agency responsible for most of the funding for pro-Yushchenko forces. "Such a bias would be inconsistent with public claims by the Administration that the United States is impartial in the Ukrainian election, and this would contribute to a negative image of the United States for unwarranted interference in that country's domestic affairs."

In his letter to Administrator Natsios, Representative Towns asks for 1) the total amount of funds provided by USAID to nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) for fiscal years 2003, 2004, and 2005 to support ostensible "democracy" and "civil society" programs in Ukraine; 2) the names of organizations receiving these funds and the amounts received by each; 3) the programs for which the funds were intended for use and how they actually were used; and 4) an accounting of how much of the funds were used to support or oppose a particular Ukrainian political party or candidate.

Representative Towns notes, as an example, that USAID funds the Poland-America-Ukraine Cooperation Initiative (PAUCI), which in turn distributed sub-grants to numerous NGOs that clearly display their partisan support for Viktor Yushchenko on their Web sites -- and which some have sought to conceal when such funding became a matter for official scrutiny. Numerous other PAUCI sub-grantees are also believed to have such an agenda but do so covertly.

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lastknowngood Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-27-04 10:09 PM
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3. Also note that he came here in Feb 2003 for talks with shrub
and the repugs. His wife is a former Reagan and Bush 1 appointee. Get it
folks this guy ain't no liberal Dem he's a shrub servant. The repug money
bought the election over there just like here. They are messing with Poooton and his take over of the oil company. These people are all in the same bunch, your looking at nothing more than the extension of the BFEE.
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JanMichael Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Mon Dec-27-04 11:52 PM
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4. Kick.
I think many here have managed to ignore the facts and fallen prey to knee-jerk opinions that there's "good" guy that's a "liberal".
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