Mars Global Surveyor photos in which
Sir Arthur C. Clarke has expressed interest
http://www.geocities.com/jcsherwood/ACCmars.htmArthur C. Clarke Stands By His Belief in Life on Mars
WASHINGTON -- Noted space visionary and writer, Sir Arthur C. Clarke, believes that new images of Mars clearly show the red planet dotted with patches of vegetation, including trees. Such a find may help spark a far grander space program more aligned with the adventure and exploration portrayed in the epic film, 2001: A Space Odyssey - the collaborative work of both Clarke and director Stanley Kubrick.
"I'm quite serious when I say have a really good look at these new Mars images," Clarke said. "Something is actually moving and changing with the seasons that suggests, at least, vegetation," he said.
Clarke repeated several times that he was serious about his observations, pointing out that he sees something akin to Banyan trees in some MGS photos.