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Judge In Alabama who wears Ten Commandments on robe.

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secedeeconomically Donating Member (380 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 02:50 PM
Original message
Judge In Alabama who wears Ten Commandments on robe.
I hear the story o NPR yesterday. Does anyone know more about this wak job?
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loveable liberal Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 02:52 PM
Response to Original message
1. just another christian a/hole.
makes for great oppression
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Bandit Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 02:56 PM
Response to Reply #1
4. What is Christian about the Ten Commandments?
They are from the Old Testament and I believe Christianity is based entirely on the New Testament. If we want to restore the laws of the Old Testament then we will be putting a lot of "Christians" to death for breaking them.
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Elise Donating Member (289 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:06 PM
Response to Reply #4
11. Really?
Jesus: If ye love me, keep my commandments. (Joh 14:15)
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alvis Donating Member (665 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:48 PM
Response to Reply #11
23. Which commandments was Jesus talking about?
He gives some commandments in Mt 19:16-19 which are similiar to the familiar 10 Commandments from Ex 20.

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damntexdem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:46 PM
Response to Reply #4
22. Oh, you're thinking of the OT Ten Suggestions.
These folks are pushing to American Christian Ten Commandments. The most important one says: "Thou shalt worship icons and graven images." That's why they find it so important to plaster walls and robes with their graven images.
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alvis Donating Member (665 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:50 PM
Response to Reply #22
24. That reminds me of the guy yelling "Get your hands off my God"
When the big granite rock was being taken out of the Alabama Courthouse.
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sui generis Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 02:53 PM
Response to Original message
2. I can tell you if I were a lawyer
and I thought the judge would rule against my client I would use every opportunity to indicate that my client was an atheist or a wiccan or anti-christian to set up for a mistrial.

What an idiot -
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secedeeconomically Donating Member (380 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 02:57 PM
Response to Reply #2
5. He made the claim that all but one person in his county
is a Christian. Therefore, he doesn’t see that to be an issue. I mean how hermetically of an existence can someone live in to make that kind of statement.
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Bozita Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 02:54 PM
Response to Original message
3. Here's a lot more ...
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secedeeconomically Donating Member (380 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 02:59 PM
Response to Reply #3
6. Thanks
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Walt Starr Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 02:59 PM
Response to Original message
7. His actions are referred to as "wearing your religion on your sleeve"
It denotes a pharisee.
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Tandalayo_Scheisskopf Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:02 PM
Response to Original message
8. This is what happens...
Edited on Tue Dec-28-04 03:02 PM by Tandalayo_Scheisskop
When you elevate inbred used-car salesmen to the bench.
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secedeeconomically Donating Member (380 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:07 PM
Response to Reply #8
13. That’s an insult to all the good inbred used-car salesmen of the world lol
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Elise Donating Member (289 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:04 PM
Response to Original message
9. pander, pander, pander
The aforementioned whack job is obviously trying to avoid a Roy Moore-type crisis.

Sorry, know nothing about the nutzo judge ...
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Gyre Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:04 PM
Response to Original message
10. We've got a bible-whacker superior court judge in my county
Who I hit with an "affidavit of prejudice" (PC 170.6) everytime I get sent to his department. He is a complete Ahole and demeans everybody in his court who doesn't actively kiss his ass or wear a cross on their lapel. Obviously, he hates me for my freedoms from assinine mythology.

Taunting "Judge BWacker" with my atheism is a "plan B", to get him to the point of demonstrating "actual prejudice" against me. He's a cagey bastard though so I'm saving it for a time when he's already wound up so I can get some juicy judicial vitriol "on the record".


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Ladyhawk Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:28 PM
Response to Reply #10
17. We've got one here, too
Do any of you remember the Ellie Nesler case? She killed the guy who molested her son. There was a big outcry in this county to let her go.

Recently, her son allegedly committed a murder. His attorney is a Judge Moore lover. But the main judge here is also a fundy nutcase, so :shrug:

Of course, I've been wondering if the son's actions had anything to do with his mother's vigilante justice. Then again, I've heard the whole family was rather abusive. I don't know the details, but I'm pretty sure the local paper has been pretty quiet about the whole thing.

But when Nesler shot the molestor, this little town was headline news for months. Oy!
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earthside Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:06 PM
Response to Original message
12. Judge Needs to Read Bible.
This judge needs to learn a little bit from Jesus of Nazareth:

The Gospel of Luke

And he spake this parable unto certain which trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:

Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican.

The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are, extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican.

I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess.

And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner.

I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted.

This judge and his Ten Commandments robe sounds to me like the Pharisee. And that's the problem for the fundamentalist Christian religious-right in this country --- they all sound like Pharisees ... and through-out the four Gospels Jesus is always condemning the Pharisees for their hypocricy.
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Tony_Illinois Donating Member (590 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:12 PM
Response to Original message
14. GWB and his evangelical minions should be outraged, right?
Because this certainly is the behavior of an activist judge, and any activism from the bench is wrong, I believe is the mantra. He is promoting religious tenets from a government position of trust. Any defendent before him who does not believe in the 10 commandments would have to question the fairness of the judge's rulings. After all, practically any crime coming before this judge could be related to one of the commandments, could it not? And it is the law that the defendent should be judged by, not the commandments favored by the judge.
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Elise Donating Member (289 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:19 PM
Response to Reply #14
15. I like it!
We need to take a page from the repug book and start labeling this as judicial activism.

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MsTryska Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:22 PM
Response to Original message
16. isn't that like a sin or something?

hmm, that rhymes with pharisee.

i'd liek to see a judge with the Golden Rule embroidered on his Robes.

Or maybe "You reap what you sow." I like the subtle reminder of karma.

or maybe a Judge in a Technicolor Dreamcoat, like Joseph.
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SlackJawedYokel Donating Member (446 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:33 PM
Response to Reply #16
18. Don't you just love the fundys who disrepect their own religion
by doing these things?

It used to be that spirituality was a personal and sacred thing.
Now, for these people at least, it's just another way to call attention.

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MsTryska Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:41 PM
Response to Reply #18
21. if they weren't Christians
they'd be the drunken whores at a frat party.

"look at me! isn't my boob job wonderful? wanna see a trick i can do with my ass? look! look! are you looking?!"
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fryguy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:36 PM
Response to Original message
19. so now repukes literally wear their faith on their sleeves?
or at least their lapels.......guess they forgot to teach the First Amendment at this joker's law school....
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DebinTx Donating Member (389 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:40 PM
Response to Original message
20. Seems freeperland is full of activist judges
that point should be continually pointed out to the freepers along with the fact that it's OK when the judge is a freeper but not OK when a judge has valid constitutional reasons for decisions that go against the freepers.

Seems any and all attorneys would argue judicial prejudice if he's on their case.
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moindependent Donating Member (34 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 03:56 PM
Response to Reply #20
25. Principal doesn't matter to either party.
You just don't get it. Both parties approach issues from a position of "principle" whenever it's convenient, and only when it's convenient.

If principle mattered to Democrats, they would have celebrated in the streets that the country elected a president with a true majority of the popular vote, and this board wouldn't be full of talk about overturning the Ohio vote so Kerry could win in the EC.

You are delusional if you think that one party is worse than the other in this regard. This is politics...ethics and fairness are irrelevant. It's only about pushing your agenda.
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gizmo1979 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 04:45 PM
Response to Original message
26. If he really wanted to be stylish
He should have them tattooed on his forehead,backwards of course so he could read them in the mirror.
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Fleshdancer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 05:07 PM
Response to Original message
27. imagine the outrage if the robe had phrases from the Koran on it
what I don't understand about people who want to blur the line between Church and State is that the line doesn't just protect the State, but the Church as well. Suppose the State comes into every Temple, Church, Synagogue, etc and nails copies of the Bill of Rights on the walls? Or copies of the Constitution on the front doors? How about taxation or holding churches to discrimination laws...after all, how many female priests have you seen? The list goes on and on.

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TaleWgnDg Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 05:26 PM
Response to Original message
28. Oh, no problem . . . here you go:

Oh, no problem . . . here you go: Alabama judge wears ten commandments on his judicial robe, five commandments on his left breast and five commandments on his right breast. He believes this will drive home that American, particularly Alabaman, law is derived from God. He adjudicates cases that are heard before him on these commandments laying excellent groundwork for him to be:

1.) re-elected as a judge in this Alabama jurisdiction;
2.) being upheld on any appeal on any case he has adjudicated; or
3.) a potential future as Governor of Alabama.

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Lefty48197 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Tue Dec-28-04 06:57 PM
Response to Original message
29. Why doesn't he tattoo them on his ass?
No not OVER the Confederate Flag, right NEXT to it.
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