It's extemely sad but until we take our party back, I don't see anything changing...
I totally agree with your post. I only wish my party did.
Eloriel (10152 posts)
May-30-03, 12:12 PM (ET)
PNAC and DLC members on the CLI
CLI is the Committee for the Liberation of Iraq. It's a PNAC spin-off. I've seen a few (not many) "exzperts" on various pre-war TV discussions identified as from the CLI.
Here's a list of their members (snip). The page also has bios on all these people, in case you're interested.
CLI Roll Call Affiliations Click here to see a table of affiliations, George P. CLI Board Chairman, Bechtel Corporation, former Reagan Sec of State
Al-Bassam, Mahdi, M.D. Chairman, Iraq Liberation Action Committee
Blechman, Barry, Dr. President, DFI International
Cohen, Eliot, Dr. Prof & Director of Strategic Studies Program, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Davis, Jacqueline, Dr. Exec. VP, Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis
Dine, Thomas A. President, Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty, former Pres. of AIPAC
Downing, Wayne, Gen. (fmr) US Army
Finley, Julie DC Republican Committee
Francke, Rend Rahim Executive Director, Iraq Foundation
Galbraith, Peter W. Prof. National Security Studies, National War College
Gingrich, Newt CEO, The Gingrich Group, former Rep. Speaker of the House
Glosson, Buster, Lt. Gen. (fmr) US Air Force, Chairman and CEO, Eagle, Ltd.
Hoffa, James P. President, International Brotherhood of Teamsters
Jackson, Bruce Lockheed Martin
Jackson, Howell Prof of Law, Harvard Law School
Kagan, Robert Carnegie Endowment for International Peace
Kerrey, Robert President, New School University, former Governor and Senator of Nebraska
Kirkpatrick, Jeane J. former US Ambassador to UN, Senior Fellow, American Enterprises Institute
Kristol, William Editor, Weekly Standard
Lewis, Bernard, Dr. Prof Emeritus, Princeton
Lieberman, Joseph Senator (D), Democratic Leadership Committee
Marshall, Will President, Progressive Policy Institute
McCaffrey, Barry, Gen. (fmr) US Army, President, BR McCaffrey Associates LLC
McCain, John Senator (R), US Navy
Muravchik, Joshua American Enterprises Insitute
Perle, Richard Former Assistant Secretary of Defense, American Enterprises Institute
Pletka, Danielle VP, American Enterprises Institute
Scheunemann, Randy CLI President, leading figure of PNAC
Schmitt, Gary Chair, Project for a New American Century (PNAC)
Schultz, Richard Prof International Politics, Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy
Solarz, Steve President, Solarz Associates
Wedgwood, Ruth Prof of International Law and Diplomacy, Johns Hopkins SAIS
Wieseltier, Leon Editor, New Republic
Williams, Chris Partner, Johnston and Associates
Woolsey, James R. VP, Booz Allen Hamilton, CIA
DLCers = Will Marshall (who also signed two recent PNAC letters to Bush on post-war Iraq) and Joseph Lieberman. Disappointing to see Bob Kerrey on there, but he has other PNAC connections too, IIRC.
hedda_foil (3235 posts)
May-30-03, 12:22 PM (ET)
1. Remember, folks this is a PNAC spinoff.
The core of CLI is drawn from two super-hawkish think-tanks: The American Enterprises Institute (AEI) and its offshoot: Project for the New American Century (PNAC). At least six members of CLI are drawn from AEI, among them such infamous characters as Richard 'the Prince of Darkness' Perle, Jeane 'double standard' Kirkpatrick and Newt 'Mr. Ethics' Gingrich. The AEI/CLI pundits have recently been publishing articles screaming for an invasion of Iraq, with titles such as: “The US Must Strike At Saddam Hussein” (Richard Perle), “Act Now: Get Rid of Saddam” (Danielle Pletka), “Strike Sooner Rather than Later” (Newt Gingrich).
AEI's primary sponsor is the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, from which AEI received over a million dollars in 2001 alone. By way of a program known as the New Citizenship Project, Inc., PNAC has also received hundreds of thousands of dollars from the Bradley Foundation. The Allen-Bradley Company of Milwaukee, a maker of electronic and radio components, was sold in 1985 to Rockwell International, a leading defense and aerospace conglomerate. The sale caused the assets of the Bradley Foundation to soar, catapulting it to the status it enjoys today as the premier right-wing foundation in the US, and a major force behind campaigns against affirmative action, and in favor of welfare reform and school vouchers.
AEI has received lesser amounts from the Olin Foundation (funds from the Olin family's chemicals and munitions fortune) and the Sarah Scaife Foundation (funds from the Mellon industrial, oil and banking fortune), among others. The Scaife Foundation is one of the top four conservative foundations in the US. At one time its largest single holding was stock in the Gulf Oil Corporation.
The basic idea driving Project for the New American Century is that the US is faced with an unprecedented opportunity to expand its power and influence by military means as the sole superpower of the globe. PNAC is intimately linked with CLI: PNAC's Chairman Gary Schmitt is CLI's Secretary, and PNAC co-founders William Kristol and Robert Kagan sit on CLI's board. the funding -- Bradley and Olin are both major contributors to the DLC. Bradley is THE major funder of the DLC's Progressive Policy Institute, home of Will Marshall, the DLC's policy man. Olin funds the New Democrat Network PAC(notice they DO NOT use the word Democratic!) which funds the campaigns of those they select for ideological conformity. can read the PNAC letters here: and have fun seeing which Dems signed which ones