I won't quibble about the details, but I will point out that there are reasons why even the smallest "repackaging" will face great difficulties. These include, in small part: 1) There is a pronounced element of reaction in the positions of the left. Just as some atheists become opponents of all religious belief, (whether this belief works for better or worse), some leftists define their positions as the opposite of those taken by the "right". Personally, while I have little use for either Libertarians or Paleocons, I will work with just about anybody in the common interest... as long as I can keep my back covered... and my principles more or less intact. 2) The left has a bad case of political correctness. Question whether US Middle East policy is too influenced by far right Israeli politics, and you are called an anti-Semite. Question whether immigration (work visas, etc) needs to be restricted and you are called a "bigot". (etc, etc) 3) Many of the prominent figures on the left make their living (and their "reps") by taking offensive (to the many) positions, and they wish neither to endanger that living nor to deal with the attacks that will come their way if they do change. 4) Ego, along with the single-minded pursuit of self gratification that accompanies it, (together with self preservation), circumscribes most human behavior. People will have to "get over themselves" in order to "move on", and this is most unlikely. 5) The left has fallen so deep into the trap set for them by the neocons that it will be both difficult and humiliating to work their way out of it. -- And neither difficulty or humiliation are avidly sought by most people. 6) Any repackaging will take some changes in perspective and ways of thinking -- and few things, in my experience, are harder to bring about. 7) There is an old saying that rings true in our situation (with a little abstraction -- and only paraphrased here): Those who speak first and the loudest for violence are the narcs...
I also find it most peculiar that we, who are so sensitive to any categorizing of those groups that we claim to represent, are so quick to categorize other groups such as "rednecks" ("stupid white men" rings about the same), Xtians (itself seen as an insult), etc, etc.
While much of this behavior can be explained away by human weakness, our own forms of bigotry and ignorance, and a collective, colossal downfall into the neocon trap of debased, divisive political discourse, I suspect that simple treachery also has a large role.
Besides, many on our side will never, ever bring themselves to admit that they personally (as opposed to someone, anyone, else) have been wrong about anything that they hold important. The mere pain of doing so is great enough, but combine it with the public pillorying that they can expect, and the chances approach zero.
Such is human nature... And while the neocons have paid flunkies who are masters at manipulating it, sometimes we seem unable even to admit that we are subject to it.
Please note that these opinions are my own, and that these opinions should not be allowed to detract from the attempt (rare enough here) by the original poster to have a frank discussion about whether or not we should do something other than flogging that same old dead horse -- in that same old way -- a practise which has clearly served us so well.
And let me conclude by saying that I myself have erred on occasions too numerous to count -- and too numerous to list... And I will gladly follow the lead of anyone who has the vision to carry our great cause forward -- that great cause of democracy, freedom and the well being of our country, our people and the world at large, demands no less of me.