LIE: that women who get abortions could get breast cancer from it.
According to the Center for Disease Control, Mississippi has the highest infant mortality rate among all states. In 2002, in Mississippi 10.5 infants per 1,000 live births died before their first birthday. The lowest rate was in Massachusetts, where 4.8 infants per 1,000 live births were lost.
I mention this because Mississippi is proud of another accomplishment -- it is the most populous of a handful of states with only one abortion clinic. Yes, there's only one abortion clinic in Mississippi; there used to be seven. And in the past decade, the number of legal abortions performed in Mississippi have been cut in half. The abortion rate in Mississippi is about one third lower than the national average.
Mississippi is one of only two states, along with North Dakota, requiring consent of both parents before a minor can get an abortion. It is one of two states, along with Texas, requiring that women seeking abortions be told, in contradiction of National Cancer Institute findings, that abortion might increase their risk of breast cancer.
Anti-choice activists have been so successful in Mississippi that the executive director of Pro-Life Mississippi says she's no longer working to change state abortion laws. All the legislation she wanted has been enacted. Now the anti-choicers are targeting the remaining clinic, in Jackson, by asserting that one of the three doctors working there has vision problems.
Here's another accomplishment: According to the Children's Defense Fund, 27 percent of the children of Mississippi live in poverty. This is the highest child poverty rate of all the 50 states. I take it the Mississippi state legislature hasn't had time to get to this problem yet.
what do Mississippians have to say about this? are they proud?