Walter Sobchak for Secretary of DefenseBy Grace Nearing
The "Next Blog" Blog Walter Sobchak -- he knows 'Nam, he knows IraqWalter: Sure you'll see some tank battles. But fighting in desert is very different from fighting in canopy jungle.
Dude: Uh-huh.
Walter: I mean 'Nam was a foot soldier's war whereas, uh, this thing should be a fucking cakewalk. I mean I had an M16, Jacko, not an Abrams fucking tank. Just me and Charlie, man, eyeball to eyeball.
Dude: Yeah.
Walter: That's fuckin' combat. The man in the black pyjamas, Dude. Worthy fuckin' adversary.
Walter: Whereas what we have here? A bunch of fig-eaters wearing towels on their heads, trying to find reverse in a Soviet tank. This is not a worthy adversary.
Walter Sobchak -- ever vigilant against terrorists, insurgents, pacifists, and, uh, nihilistsWalter: Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you like about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it's an ethos.
Walter: Fucking Germans. Nothing changes. Fucking Nazis.
Donny: They were Nazis, Dude?
Walter: Oh, come on Donny, they were threatening castration!
Dude: And, you know, he's got emotional problems, man.
Walter: You mean... beyond pacifism?
Read more about Walter Sobchak's excellent qualifications for Secretary of Defense at
The "Next Blog" Blog.