an indication of precisely how desperate the Pentagon is to “recruit” bullet-stoppers, last week my wife received an “Army of One” brochure in the mail. She’s old enough to be a grandmother. Of course, the Army is not really interested in convincing my wife to join up. She was spammed, as I am sure millions of people are every day in America.
As retired Col. David H. Hackworth writes, recruiting numbers are way down. “Hack’s talking to the recruiters first-hand and the problem, no surprise, is in all branches of the military—Regular Army, Reserves and Guard. Recruiting is at half of expectations,” notes Daily Kos. A recruiter told Hackworth that Army and Army Reserve achieved 50.17 percent and 43.48 percent of their recruiting numbers, respectively. “By the end of this recruiting year, the Regular Army, Reserves and Guard could fall short more than 50 percent of its projected requirement, or about 60,000 new soldiers. And according to many recruiters, quality recruits are giving way to mental midgets who have a hard time telling their left foot from their right… Unless a miracle happens and the new Iraqi security force decides to stop running and start fighting, we’ll be in Iraq for a long time. Most likely with a draftee force.”
“Although Pentagon puff artists insist they’re making quota, recruiters are already saying it would be easier to find $100 bills on the sidewalk outside a homeless shelter than fill their enlistment quotas, even with the huge bonuses now being paid,” Hackworth writes for “So the draft—which will include both boys and girls this time around—is a no-brainer in ‘05 and ‘06.” snip
“If the president called upon the American people to show their support not by flying yellow ribbons but by joining the Army, there is no reason to believe that they would not do so,” Kagan explains.
Of course, this will not work, even with the Bush Ministry of Disinformation working overtime to hide the grim reality of Bush’s war against the people of Iraq. As Charley Reese writes, “the Bush administration doesn’t want you to see the bodies—not the bodies of our men and women, and not the bodies of Iraqi men, women and children. The administration wants you to see the war as an electronic game with bright lights in the distance and good sound effects, or close-ups of our brave warriors firing their guns at an invisible enemy. It doesn’t want you to see the torn flesh, blood, intestines, feces, urine. If you did, you might not support the war, and billions of dollars depend on your support.”
Even so, as the dismal numbers of the recruitment “mission” indicate, kids are not signing up because they know the “Army of One” is an army of bullet-stoppers, even if they do not grasp the ideological dimensions or know anything about the Strausscon “generational” plan to destroy Muslim culture.