There are three forces that are immediately apparent.The first is the Megalomaniacs such as Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld who believe in their own magnificence and entitlement to rule over us lesser mortals. The second are the group identified as Neo Cons who are essentially agents of Mr.Sharon whose job is to demonize the Arabs/Muslims worldwide as enemies not just of Israel but of "Democracy" and the third is a group of right wing extremists led by the religious fundamentalists, corporate fascists, military ideologues and outright racists.
Taking the first group,The Megalomaniacs, these people are the essential tool by which this project is being implemented step by step.This is because people like Rumsfeld,Cheney, and Bush the elder and the younger represent an elite that has access to a variety of resources within the U.S. government and have the authority and experience to make their directives stick.The Neocons have recruited these Megalomaniacs by appealing to their vanity which is considerable and always in need of stroking to enhance their self worth.
The group identified as NeoCons are the so called Neo Conservatives who detest American liberalism because liberals are seen by the Neo cons as being against Israel.Their agenda is to enlist the American people in their war against the Muslims/Arabs by creating the same atmosphere of terror in the U.S. that currently exists in Israel. This is the group that most likely authored the PNAC.That document called for a "cataclysmic event of the order of Pearl Harbor" to create the terror environment in the U.S.
The last group is a hodgepodge of Religious extremists,corporate free market fundamentalists,fascists and outright racists.They lend monetary and morale boosting support to the above two groups.
Looming over all these groups is the pervasive Guru of the entire enterprise, Leo Strauss. This obscure individual, who came to this country as an escapee from Nazi persecution,seemed to have rediscovered that he liked Hitler's concept of a Superman and a Super Race after all.He believed that the U.S. Constitution affords equal rights to "undeserving" classes and races and wanted an Elite to take over the actual control of the reins of government while paying lip service to the concept of Democracy. In this he was simply following Plato's idea of the Noble Lie wherein the Elite, the real rulers are entitled to lie to the masses to keep them pacified.
The disciples of Leo Strauss now occupy positions of power and influence throughout our government.Wolfowitz, Perle, Kristol, Feith, Ashcroft are some of the names that stand out.The document authored by these Neocons, the PNAC agenda, is an unamerican text whose main tenets are directly antithetical to our Constitution, both literally and figuratively.
As the agenda from that document is put into practice during Bush's first and second terms, only a naive individual will believe that our Democracy is in good hands. That the foxes are now allowed to roam freely through the henhouse is obvious.
The only question is: when can we administer the last rites to our Constituition?