You would think they'd celebrate but instead it must still be all about Clinton!
Comments: A similar ceremony is being planned for former President clinton as a barrel of toxic waste is to be welded shut, initialed by clinton and then dumped in the Mid-Atlantic Ocean ridge. No word on what is in the barrel yet. ;-)
Reply 2 - Posted by: NoLibsNoLies, 9/6/2003 2:20:58 PM
Some dirty little...uh... "tug" boat would be suitable for Willard.
Reply 4 - Posted by: jafo, 9/6/2003 2:30:03 PM
CAVU - Clear Air, Visibility Unlimited
Motto of the GEORGE H W BUSH - I was shocked that CNN (Commie News Network) carried the ceremony live. Wonder if they feel the wind as Fox News passes them
As for Willard - remember back a few years ago there waas a shipload of garbage sailing up and down East Coast looking for place to dump it - wonder if that ship is around. Maybe can rename it for Willard, can't think of more appropriate symbol.
Reply 8 - Posted by: valleystorm, 9/6/2003 3:08:35 PM
This is neat! I liked the first President Bush! (Really, really like the second one, too!)
Reply 9 - Posted by: trashcann, 9/6/2003 3:15:34 PM
They plan to honor Clinton with a condom machine in the rest room of his new library.
Reply 11 - Posted by: Ceci, 9/6/2003 3:28:08 PM
#4 has the right idea. If the Navy has garbage scows, one should be named the "U.S.S. Bubba" in honor of the Sink Emperor. He deserves no less.
Reply 14 - Posted by: texaslass3, 9/6/2003 3:36:20 PM
Hey guys, check out the headline. Yeah, the AP isn't biased at all. CONGRATULATIONS PRESIDENT BUSH. The formed impeached Prez better not ever get one named after him.
Reply 15 - Posted by: Tedsdogs, 9/6/2003 3:50:05 PM
I think they should honor Clinton with a dinghy. Fits with his over all persona. Instead of Anchors Aweigh the music could be My ding-a-ling.
Reply 17 - Posted by: cactus, 9/6/2003 4:19:14 PM
Just can't see naming anything which is a part of the military after someone who loathed the military. Can you imagine the poor sailor who had to serve on the USS Clinton! Wonder what would be the motto of that ship! Always lying, ever useless?
Reply 19 - Posted by: pomom, 9/6/2003 4:30:39 PM
The only chance Clinton has of christening something is he slaps Ted Kennedy on the arse with a bottle of tequila.
Reply 20 - Posted by: JoniTx, 9/6/2003 4:30:40 PM
Just happened to come across this 'live' on CNN. Couldn't believe they were carrying it. It was truly exciting, watching the ceremony, Barbara, daughter Doro, and, of course, GHWB. They even did a flyover of his old plane from WWII. Great television. And, on CNN no less! Where was FOX?
Reply 21 - Posted by: Pinchem, 9/6/2003 4:47:25 PM
However, I doubt they can justify one for LBJ, Carter and Clinton.
If you want a carrier named after a Democrat President, give us one with high values, believes in the Constitution and protects this Country instead of trying to tear it down.
Reply 23 - Posted by: sunflower, 9/6/2003 5:50:03 PM
Good news naming the Aircraft Carrier after President Bush 41. Guess it was because he served in the Military, and was a Pilot. Now, klintoon loathes/loathed the Military, even said so, so even a garbage scow would be ashamed to be named after it.