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The Evolution of 'moral values' in the last 10 years

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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 09:03 PM
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The Evolution of 'moral values' in the last 10 years
1994 - People who believe in moral values "vehemently oppose abortion, and many are veterans of Operation Rescue protests. Typically, they favor censorship in schools and local libraries. They often oppose sexual education programs in public schools and instead push the teaching of abstinence. In an age of widespread AIDS-related deaths, many oppose AIDS education."

1995 - It apparently became all about Alan Keyes here

1996 - There is a loss of the definition of moral values here, it was most likely being redefined to fit their agenda

1997 - The year of opposition to Abortion

1998 - "The (Clinton) scandal, however, has catapulted moral values to the top of the nation's agenda"

1999 - "extra-marital affairs and adultery" ARE NOT moral values according to a poll. Notice how it still pertains to Clinton.

2000 - Sixty-four percent of Americans oppose homosexual marriage and adoptions by homosexuals (Louis Harris and Associates; Gallup, 1992; Yankelovich Clancy Shulman, 1992). Seventy-one percent of Americans believe couples should save sex for marriage, and 90 percent believe in traditional wedding vows. The ultra-liberal People for the American Way reported that 74 percent of Americans were more likely to vote for a candidate who put top priority on returning traditional moral values. Seventy-three percent of Americans agreed that "it is more important for government and elected officials to support traditional family values rather than tolerance for alternative lifestyles and values"

2001 - Over half the Bush supporters said they considered "moral values" their chief priority

Non-Republican: Moral values (love, charity, loyalty, honor, work, courage, etc.)

2002 - "We cannot afford to merely abandon the moral values of the past and act as if it doesn't matter what we believe about God, sexual choices, or the life of an unborn child"

2003 - "Our moral values were based on Christian beliefs... issues like abortion, euthanasia, homosexuality, pornography, etc"

2004 - Opposing homosexuality and abortion

Two things.

1. The Republican view of Moral Values has never been about peace or helping the poor.

2. Homosexuality has become an issue only in 2000.

If this isn't proof that 'moral values' is only about politics, then I do not know what is.
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robbedvoter Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Wed Dec-29-04 09:08 PM
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1. Correction: Homosexuallity was the only BS issue in the campaign
Abortion conveniently popped up after that. Never discussed during the campaign - unless by the media to try to tarr our candidates for not being explicitly enough against it.
Your point stands of course - just mentioning a bait and switch
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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 02:28 PM
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2. self-kick
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