Believe it or not -
Here in Denver we have a severe shortage of beds for the homeless. Probably not that unique. Anyway, the city had come up with a plan to use our neighborhood senior center as an overflow shelter on nights when the temp was too low for anyone to stay outside. The city did a really crappy job of getting information out, and as a result the neighborhood was utterly frothing at the mouth about the idea. The meeting they held to explain the plan (which was to be implemented in 14 days) was a near-riot, with seniors expressing fears that the homeless would be peeing in the corners and "shooting pot" (sic).
Anyway, a pastor from the church down the street was at the meeting. He listened carefully, and brought the idea back to his congregation, to see if they'd be willing to take on the shelter themselves. He met with realtors to ask about the impact on property values, met with the mayor to talk about how it could be coordinated, prepared flyers for the neighborhood, mailed letters to every household in the area, and tonight had an information meeting with the mayor and other people from social services. He led the meeting and kept it very focused. It was really remarkable. I think the community is going to be OK with the idea - even supportive after all his work.
I haven't had a postive thought about Christianity in a long time, but this really made an impact on me.