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The Real Enemy?

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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 09:04 AM
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The Real Enemy?
Edited on Thu Dec-30-04 09:13 AM by ck4829
What does this all mean? Does this show us who created Islamic Terrorism? Aren't these the same people who are trying to take advantage of all of the fear that terrorism is causing?

Afghanistan and the 'Freedom Fighters'
"Ronald Reagan bears substantial responsibility for September 11. He and his administration were so gung ho to roll back Communism that they funneled billions of dollars to scruffy far rightwing radical Muslim mujahidin in Pakistan and Afghanistan to fight the Soviets. Orrin Hatch even flew to Beijing for Reagan in 1985 to ask the Chinese to pressure Pakistan to allow the US to provide the Mujahidin with ever more sophisticated weaponry. Even the Pakistani military had initially balked at this crazy idea, knowing who the *Gulbuddin Hikmatyars* and Usama Bin Ladens really were (unlike clueless Reagan, who called them freedom fighters). But the US twisted the Pakistanis’ arms, and they gave in. Likewise, Reagan forced the timid Saudis to match US contributions to the Mujahidin. (And then after Sept. 11 the former Reagan officials who had twisted the arms of the Saudis, like Richard Perle, turned around and blamed Riyadh for spreading radical Muslim ideas!!) It was the CIA that first established terrorist training camps in Pakistan and Afghanistan, to hit the leftist government in Kabul. I wouldn’t be surprised if some of the camps used by al-Qaeda had been built originally by the Reagan administration.
The Christian Coalition and other rightwing religious groups supporting Reagan even had a “biblical checklist” by which they wanted all senators and congressmen to be judged. And one of the items in the “biblical checklist” was “support for the Afghan ‘freedom fighters.’ The rightwing Christians were saying in the 1980s that if you didn’t support al-Qaeda and its Mujahidin allies, you didn’t deserve to be in Congress!"

Gulbuddin Hikmatyar - His followers first gained attention by throwing acid in the faces of women who refused to wear the veil... He was head of the Islamic Party and he hated the United States almost as much as he hated the Russians. His followers screamed "Death to America" along with "Death to the Soviet Union", only the Russians were not showering him with large amounts of aid.

A "favorite tactic" of the Afghan freedom fighters was "to torture victims by first cutting off their noses, ears, and genitals, then removing one slice of skin after another", producing "a slow, very painful death". Among the non-Soviet victims: a Canadian tourist and six West Germans, including two children, and a U.S. military attaché was dragged from his car and beaten

Howard Ruff (Head of Free The Eagle) boasts that he and Oliver North persuaded President Ronald Reagan to send Stinger missiles to the Afghan freedom fighters, who were battling the Soviet army in Afghanistan in the mid-80’s.

In early 1984, soon after being transferred to ISI from the Pakistani army, Yousaf entertained a visiting delegation of private American advocates of the Mujahedin cause. Groups such as the Federation for American-Afghan Action, Free the Eagle, Committee for a Free Afghanistan, and the Freedom Research Foundation played a key role in boosting U.S. aid for the rebels by calling media attention to their struggle and advising conservative members of Congress.

Federation for American-Afghan Action - The FAAA was founded in 1983, with the help of Paul Weyrich and his Coalition for America, the Heritage Foundation, and the Committee for a Free Afghanistan, of which it was a de facto arm. The first executive director of the Federation for American Afghan Action, which was based at the Heritage Foundation, was Andrew Eiva.

Committee for a Free Afghanistan - CFA was founded in 1981 in the aftermath of a trip by Prime Minister Thatcher and Radio Free Kabul founder Lord Bethell to the United States, dedicated to building U.S. support for the mujahideen. The founding executive director of CFA, Karen McKay, was reputed to be the mistress of Lord Bethell. From its inception, the CFA acted as the U.S. arm of Bethell's London-based Radio Free Kabul. Fundraisers for the CFA included the Bush-linked televangelist Pat Robertson, former Ambassador Angier Biddle Duke, and former U.S. Attorney General Eliot Richardson.

"Can we turn a deaf ear to the cries for material help from those brave freedom fighters in Angola, in Afghanistan, in Mozambique, in Nicaragua, who would take to the field of battle at the risk of their own lives to bring freedom and democracy to their people?" - Pat Robertson, 1986

Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam Hussein

PNAC was founded by none other than Cheney, Wolfowitz, Richard Perle, Donald Rumsfeld, and other former Reagan and Bush administration hawks. PNAC had written "Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategy, Forces, and Resources," a report released by the Project for the New American Century in 2000, stated that the United States needed a catastrophe - "a new Pearl Harbor," as the authors called it - to jump-start the neocons' blueprint for all-encompassing military and economic world dominance. Then came the attacks of Sept. 11 - just nine months after the Bush administration took office. The events of that day provided the perfect excuse for Cheney and company to finally see their plans to fruition. Top on their list of targets was Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Within 24 hours of the planes hitting the World Trade Center and the Pentagon - and without so much as an inkling of evidence as to who had carried out the attacks - Attorney General John Ashcroft was already calling for war on Iraq, according to a report by Bob Woodward in the Washington Post.

Carl R. (Spitz) Channel pleaded guilty to conspiring to defraud the government by soliciting contributions for military aid to the Contras under the cover of a tax-exempt charitable foundation. Channell said he accompanied NSC-staffer Lt. Col. Oliver North to a quarterly meeting of the CNP held in Dallas on Sept. 13-14, 1985. North’s briefings of CNP members began in 1983, and a tape of a CNP meeting held in Nashville, in 1983, was obtained by the Washington Post. Bentley Elliot, a former Reagan speech-writer, told The Post, "Let us remember that Ollie North’s undying passion for the success of the Reagan Doctrine kept the flame of hope burning in the heart of the conservative movement..." By virtue of his NSC position, he became the conservatives’ principal source of what one called "inside" information. The members of the Council for National Policy (CNP) include Nelson Bunker Hunt, Joseph Coors, the Rev. Jerry Falwell, Marion G. (Pat) Robertson, Richard Viguerie, Paul Weyrich, Arnaud de Borchgrave and Henry Salvatori.
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mattclearing Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 09:09 AM
Response to Original message
1. Newsflash: Republicans Created Muslim Terrorism, Now Exploit It.
Shocking, ain't it?

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ClintonTyree Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 09:12 AM
Response to Original message
2. None of this is true................
it's a well known fact the Bill Clinton's penis caused all of the chaos in the Mid-East. Every bit of it. When you present unsubstantiated rumors such as these as "fact", you do the United States and the World a great dis-service.
Do some fact checking and you'll find everything you wrote to be completely wrong. The Clenis.........the Clenis.............
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Calvinist Basset Donating Member (318 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 09:14 AM
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3. Excellent piece
Did you write it, or did someone else? Is this article located on a link somewhere?
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ck4829 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 09:16 AM
Response to Reply #3
4. It is a composite of many articles which I had compiled
All I did was a little editing and defined who Hikmatyar was.
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Calvinist Basset Donating Member (318 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Dec-30-04 09:53 AM
Response to Reply #4
5. Thanks. eom
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