you're off to a great start ... no website is ever finished though ... here's some feedback:
1. in the "what's new" box, the text is too close to the left edge of the box ... be consistent ... indent it like you did in the box called "welcome" ... also, "welcome" has space above it and "what's new" doesn't ... make them the same ...
2. the boxes on the right side have the "heading" in some type of graphic or color ... you have the "buzzflash" logo and the "in the news" has a black banner ... you should probably do something similar for the left side box headers ...
3. it would be great if next to the "in the news" header, you could offer a button called "pause" and another one called "scroll" ... or just one button that toggled the text based on which state it was in ... that way, users who wanted more time to review the headlines could pause the scroll ... OR ...
4. perhaps there are alternatives to the scrolling headlines ... for example, it might be easier to take divide all the headlines into groups of say, 6 or 7 ... then, display the first group for maybe 15 seconds, then fade in the next group and so on ... the text would be much easier to read if you didn't have to hit a moving target ... with a forward and backward arrow, the user could advance the groups manually if they didn't want to wait for the timer ... and a pause/restart button would allow them to freeze any given group ... there's an example of this on the NY Yankee's website ... here's the link: the large graphic box near the upper left corner ... the graphic changes every 10 or 15 seconds automatically ... but the "vcr controls" in the lower right corner of the graphic box allow you to manually scroll (either direction) through the graphics sequence or even freeze, then restart the scroll ...
5. it's not clear, at least to me, what the difference is between the scrolling "in the news" headlines and the "what's new" headlines ... perhaps the "what's new' wording could be clearer ... what are those links and why are they different than the headlines from "in the news" ??
6. the current time thing is OK but does it display the time on your server or the user's local time ??
hope this helps ... keep up the good work !!