Found this on
Unbelievable! This right winger is asking for Donations to pay for his website bandwidth. He is invoking the name of the Red Cross and says he'll donate 50% of all money given to him to disaster relief at the Red Cross - the rest he'll spend so selflessly on himself.
Quote from his site:">
HELP!!! - I've been hit very hard on bandwidth usage fees due to the size of the videos. My only goal was to show these so people could get a sense for the enormity of the disaster and desire to give to a charity of their choice. Now, I need help. The bill is more than I can afford. If you feel so inclined, would you please consider sending me a donation? If you donate, <strong>I'll give 50% of whatever you send me to the Red Cross in care of the victims in Southeast Asia</strong>. Simply hit the "Make A Donation" button in the upper left hand corner of the PunditGuy website. Thank you!!!
What a cheap bastard! Let him know how sleazy this is...