Those DUers who are not familiar with David Neiwerth's superb blog
Orcinus or with his exceedingly illuminating discussion of
fascism, its most rigorous definition and its applicability (and non-applicability) to today's right wing dominance of American politics, take heed.
A right-wing-extremist-derived meme (Neiwert's speciality is identification of how r-w-extremist memes find their way into "mainstream" media, e.g. Fox) attacking Bustamente for being a tool of a "racist" organization dedicated to turning North America into "Aztlan"--a kind of latino/hispano empire--is being disseminated by such "mainstream" pundits as
Mickey Kaus,
Michelle Malkin and others, and it is BAD news for mr rove and his California strategery.
For what is exceedingly lovely about this is that it exposes a deep and abiding contradiction in GOP strategy between its aims for the CA recall campaign and the overall campaign to reelect the simian figurehead in 2004. Namely, the GOP is determined to woo the latino vote, but at the same time, gee, they'd really like to, y'know, carry California 'n' all, which would (according to a lot of observers) be easier if their guy Arnolt ze Terminator were elected in the engineered recall. But Issa's little project--his own summary dismissal notwithstanding--has kinda left Karl with a strategic problem. Y'see, Bustamente is a member of that key ethnic group he'd like to woo. And the latest Brilliant Idea of Faux's right wing commentators to defeat Bustamente is to pick up on (as they habitually do) a right-wing-extremist meme, namely, that the organization called MEChA, of which Bustamente is a member, is racist.
Only problem is, the fact that Bustamente is a member is hardly extraordinary--so is just about every second or third latino/a who ever went to college. As Neiwerth puts it:
Indeed, Republicans who wish to push the argument that MEChA is racist might want to talk to Mike Madrid, an advisor to the GOP on Latino affairs (and someone for whom this meme is probably the biggest nightmare since Proposition 187), who had this to say in an interview with the San Francisco Chronicle:
"It's bizarre to assume this is some kind of radical group, seeking to overthrow part of the United States," said Mike Madrid, who has worked on Latino affairs for the state Republican Party. "It was part of the Brown Beret and Chicano studies movement, but it's mainly a social group and has been for years. To suggest it's involved in paramilitary training or some underhanded conspiracy is ludicrous."
I know this is probably too long and involved to do anything but drop like a stone on GD, but I thought it was worth posting anyway. There is much illumination to be gleaned in the links above (IF YOU DO NOTHING ELSE, READ NEIWIRTH'S "FASCISM" PIECE!!!!), and in this little parable about how hard it is for Rove to secure the latino vote while denying Bustamente the governorship.
edit: typo