Do you accept everything at face value?
Does your imagination not push you to ask questions?
We don't even know what kind of weapons are out there because that information is so highly classified. If you think all we got for the billions poured into the Pentagon for weapon's development is the few mild bunker busters you know about then whoooa I have bridges, swamps, and gold mines to sell you!
Start asking questions Zuni. Lack of questioning is what got us Bush. I for one have no intention of keeping him and I will question EVERTHING that happens while that drunk is on watch.
Instead of pooh-pooing, don't you think our time is better spent looking into why some are reluctant to take the "official" version of anything these days? There ARE historical precedents that must be considered. Here's some old, old news from an incident
over 20 years ago, 20 paleolithic years ago in terms of technology and trillions of your tax dollars ago. It's time to start asking questions. And those who can't should stop ridiculing those who do. The life you save may be your own.
Never forget that Cousteau warned us about these things. Warned us to stop all the nuclear weapons testing in the Ocean but people refused to listen, refused to ask questions. Well we see where that is getting us. They said there was no such thing as global warming either - "not sound science". Phew.... Not sound science indeed! Do you have any idea how many nuclear tests have been conducted in that area? Between the French, the British and the Americans, Lord have mercy on us all!
This part just focuses on the French. Not even going to research what we've done since because logic alone should tell you that we haven't been JUST designing obscene nuclear weapons to leave them on the shelf. 40 years of chipping away with weapons neither you nor I can imagine could possibly have led to this catastrophe. I REFUSE not to question. Especially not with the madmen in charge of our country. When America goes down as the new Nazis for all the crimes we've committed against humanity, I want the record to show that some of us questioned and spoke out.
Environmental Effects of Underground Testing at MoruroaThe possible environmental effects of underground testing include short-term and longterm effects. At the time of the explosion, fracturing of the atoll surface triggers landslides, tsunamis (tidal waves), and earthquakes. There is also evidence that radionuclides have vented to the environment. Possible long-term effects include leakage of fission products to the biosphere and transfer of dissolved plutonium from the lagoon to the ocean and the food chain.
Physical Damage to the Reef
The upper layer of the atoll is made up of reef carbonates, mainly limestone. This limestone cover is approximately 300 meters in the south of the atoll, increasing to 430 - 550 meters in the north. The upper part of this limestone layer is undolomitized and comprises porous coral debris, approximately 125 meters thick. The lower part is dolomitized and therefore quite compact.
This limestone layer is separated from the underlying volcanic material by a transitional zone of variable thickness, composed mainly of weathered clays. It can vary in thickness from 40 to 45 meters below the atoll to a mere 50 centimeters or even nothing beneath most of the lagoon.
The clay zone is impervious. The underlying volcanics are initially aerial volcanics, which then change to more homogeneous submarine volcanics at greater depths.
Each scientific mission to Moruroa has described severe impairment of the integrity of at least the carbonate part of the atoll. The damage includes fissures in the limestone and surface subsidences of large areas of the atoll. Fissures are propagated by the testing, a result of the cumulative compacting of the limestone. Fissuring serves to increase lateral and vertical water transport in the carbonate body of the atoll,(24) possibly resulting in more rapid leakage of the fission products. The French authorities claim that no new damage is occurring because the tests are no longer conducted under the reef crown but under the lagoon.(25) This claim is contradicted by underwater observations of the Cousteau mission, which discovered recently fallen noncolonized limestone blocks, suggesting that tests were carried out in the months immediately preceding their arrival and that on-going tests are still damaging the reef. (26)
Triggering of Landslides, Tsunamis and Earthquakes
At least one major test-related landslide and consequent Tsunami in Moruroa, on July 25, 1979. Apparently, the 120kiloton weapon, which was supposed to be lowered into a shaft of 800 meters, got stuck at a depth of 400 meters and could not be dislodged. The French authorities decided to explode the device anyway. This explosion resulted in a major underwater landslide of at least one million cubic meters of coral and rock and created a cavity, probably 140 meters in diameter. The underwater landslide produced a major tidal wave comparable to a tsunami, which spread through the Tuamotu Archipelago and injured people on the southern part of Moruroa Atoll. (27)
French authorities initially denied that any mishap had occurred and declared that the tidal wave was of natural origin, but in a publication in 1985 they did acknowledge "the accident of 25 July 1979".(28)
Between 1966 and 1991, 175 nuclear test explosions were carried out at Moruroa and Fangataufa Atolls as part of the French nuclear weapons testing programme. Both of these atolls are part of the Tuamotu Archipelago located in French Polynesia. Of the 175 tests, 44 were atmospheric and took place on the two atolls between 1966 and 1974. After this tests were conducted underground at the rate of between four and eleven tests per year. Of these 8 were conducted at Fangataufa and the remaining 123 at Moruroa. The yields of these explosions have never been officially released by the French Authorities, but are estimated on the basis of New Zealand and Swedish seismic studies to be around 2500 kilotons TNT equivalent.
Reference <3> notes that observations were made on SCUBA and submarine dives to 50 and 230m respectively. These took place on the external slope of the Atoll in Zone "Zoe" in the South of the Atoll. This area had been the location of a large slide of the external submerged part of the Atoll following the detonation of a 120kt device which became stuck in the shaft in the limestone. The slide mobilised around a million cubic metres of rock, creating a tsunami like tidal wave. Internally in the Atoll, Taken together, Reference <4> considers that these events must have been accompanied by deep fracturing. Reference <1> suggests that a cavern 140m in diameter was formed. On the basis of the formulae presented in reference <3> this implies a fracture zone almost a kilometre in radius. This would extend to the periphery of the reef and to the surface. Observations during the diving programme found that both new and old fissures were apparent, and that there was evidence that at the time of observation, recent rock falls and cracks of recent origin were present, showing that tests under the lagoon, rather than at the periphery of the reef were capable of causing disintegration of the limestone crown and had been doing so. Report <8> noted that slippage of the outermost limestone apron layer would effectively strip the Atoll of its water protective skin. (A report well worth reading in its entirety)