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'Digital Globe' Tsunami Images--satellite photos, not graphic

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NewHampshireDem Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-31-04 08:05 AM
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'Digital Globe' Tsunami Images--satellite photos, not graphic
I just saw a segment featuring these images on the news. They are amazing before/after images that provide a different perspective on the effects of the tsunami.

Because of the size of the images and the host's stringent copyright policy, I haven't provided any in-line. You'll need to click over to the site to see them.

Also, sorry if this has been posted already.
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slor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-31-04 08:12 AM
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1. Yeah...I saw that on CSPAN...
I am shocked at the awesome power of this disaster.
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nascarblue Donating Member (693 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Fri Dec-31-04 08:19 AM
Response to Reply #1
2. If you want some info Bush doesnt want you to know....
The Tsunami Timeline

Sunday 26 December 2004 (GMT)

00.57 GMT: Between 00.57 GMT and 00.59 GMT, an 8.9 magnitude earthquake occurs on the seafloor near Aceh in northern Indonesia. (See and other reports)

00.58 GMT: Saturday 25 December, 2.58 pm Hawaii Time (GMT-10) 26 Dec 00.58 GMT. US government's Pacific Tsunami Warning Center registers the earthquake on its seismic instruments. In other words at the time of its occurrence at 00.58 GMT.

shortly after 01.00 GMT: Earthquake hits several cities in Indonesia, creates panic in urban areas in peninsular Malaysia. The news of the earthquakes is reported immediately.

01.3O GMT: Phuket and Coast of Thailand: The tidal wave hits to coastline shortly after 8.30 am, 01.30 GMT

02.30 GMT: Colombo Sri Lanka and Eastern Coast of Sri Lanka, the tidal wave hits the coastal regions close to the capital Colombo, according to report at 8.30 am local time, 02.30 GMT (an hour and a half after the earthqake)

02.45 GMT: India's Eastern Coastline. The tsunami hits India's eastern coast from 6:15 a.m.(2:45 GMT)

04.00 GMT: Male, Maldives: From about 9:00 am (0400 GMT), three hours after the earthquake, the capital, Male, and other parts of the country were flooded by the tsunami. (more than three hours after the earthquake)

11.00 GMT (approximate time according to news dispatches): East Coast of Africa is hit. More than ten hours after the earthquake
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