to do is listen to the media, Bu$h can do no wrong, if you looked at the news of other countries it is clear that the Reich Wing is in total control of our media
but you wont do that if you are biased.. it will pop your bubble
the AP press is trying to get some real information thru, but it is a battle
go to and my family has had 3 GOOD jobs outsourced in 3 years, we lost our home and we are going to lose another job to Mexico in a couple of months and 20,000,000 Mexicans do take American jobs...10% of the population of the poorest of Mexico has migrated to the USA, Mexico is exporting it poverty to the united states from a country where the standard of living is the 8th highest in the world, higher than France...we are just making their rich richer
cant you see there is no information out of Iraq except "they killed us again and we will get them for it"
they cover up the real problems like Bu$h is going to give illegal aliens SIS for working a day.. for the rest of their lives.. and he is trying to fix ssi.???? he is trying to destroy it to make us slaves working for the Corporations as slaves till we drop dead
of old age.. while the elite party it up.. about 87% of the wealth is owned by Less than 2% of the population.. and all Bu$h does is cut their taxes and use the SSI funds to subsidize the kill the program, we got $130 tax cut but the tax base loss raised our property taxes 40%, we lost 4 jobs, the schools are running 4 days week, hospitals are closing, insurance is going up.. and he starts a war based on lies. fallujah resulted in 98,000 death of civilians, mostly women and children.. it isn't the Fucking liberals covering that up!!!!!!!!!