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Sorry. No CSPAN alert. The Prime Minister is not on. They

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frankly_fedup2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-01-05 11:57 AM
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Sorry. No CSPAN alert. The Prime Minister is not on. They
Edited on Sat Jan-01-05 12:32 PM by frankly_fedup2
advertised it. He may have been on earlier and I missed it or something. Check CSPAN's Washington Journal and they may already have the video uploaded.

Did anyone watch it?????

The ambassador, who when he appeared on Wolf Blitzer Reports, he stated that India was not in need of any help and that they had went into action within hours of the tsunami.

He really wanted to make it clear that India did not ask ANYONE for any help, that they were helping their neighbors, and have turned down help from the Australia, Canada, U.S., Russia, Israel (which Fox wrongly reported that India was turning down aid from Israel in an attempt to make India's opposition either a religious matter or a political matter).

I have to say that I was rather surprised by his tone when he was on CNN. He appeared to be rather angry about the fact that the World assumed that India needed anyone's help. I thought it was suspicious and that India was not putting its people first due to either politics, religion, or they were hiding something they did not want the other countries finding out in their country. I felt this way because of all the starving people I have always heard about in India. Also, Mother Teresa spent her life in Calcutta helping the poor (I thought).

I posted this earlier about the ambassador and his attitude and some of the other members pointed out to me that the U.S. as well as Israel were wanting to bring in a large amount of military personnel. Also, with aid there are strings usually attached.

If this is his reasoning, I don't blame the man and his country's leaders one bit. However, the main objective is the survivors' of this tragedy and their welfare. That should be first and foremost for all of the countries willing to help as well as India itself.

This was on earlier today; however, I missed that and maybe some of you did too. I thought I would post it just in case anyone else would like to watch it. Sorry if this is a repeated post.
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ananda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-01-05 12:03 PM
Response to Original message
1. Good question...
Yes, exactly why is India refusing aid from other countries?

Has India's own pm and reps explained why in terms that we can trust and believe? That's the crux, isn't it?

It's their islands and archipelagos that need help, now, the most. If people there don't get immediate aid, they will starve within two days.

Yet I read that India doesn't want foreigners on those islands because the tribes and the forests are being protected. What irony, if they all die out because there was no aid response....

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frankly_fedup2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-01-05 12:25 PM
Response to Reply #1
3. I find it suspicious as well; however, as one poster stated
to me the first time I posted about it, that we should not be concerned their reasoning, that we should be concerned about the people and getting them help.

I agreed with the poster that the people's needs are to be met first and I would never criticize the Indian people. I just know what little aid this country was offered, we took it. We could handle 9/11 on our own and help our own people; however, Saudi Arabia offered 12 million in aid and we took it. We also got some military relief from Sweden I believe. They sent some of their Air Force Planes and military to help guard our borders so as to give our pilots some time off.

Oh almost forgot. Forget CSPAN at 12 noon. They advertised it, but he is definitely not on. He may be on their website under Washington Journal on Real Player already. I haven't checked it out; however, if I miss Washington Journal, I always go to their video on line and watch the whole show (or listen to it in the background while I'm doing other things). I'm amazed of the stupidity of the Republicans that call in. I find it the funniest part of my day . . . that is until Randi comes on. Wouldn't miss her for the world.
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burn the bush Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-01-05 12:21 PM
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2. can we find past disasters in India and see what their response to aid
was then? Some people say its a pride thing, but that is really lame. I have to agree that it looks like they are hiding something that they don't want anyone to see.
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frankly_fedup2 Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-01-05 12:30 PM
Response to Reply #2
4. If they had just turned out the U.S., I could understand why and it . . .
would be one word "Bush"; however, they have turned down everyone. In reality, I don't know how we got from 35 million to 350 million.

I know some of these companies that buy the goods that are manufactured over there as well as the manufacturers there are contributing; however, before saying they are saints people should realize everything they give is 100% tax deductible and they will get every dime back. Also, the only reason they are doing it is for their own benefit. They need to get their factories up and running at full production so they can continue to make 800% profit on the goods made in Southeast Asia.

The very thought of these companies contributing anything and publicly announcing their charity is capitalism at its lowest.
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