Although I know folks who still "blame" or "credit" God, this is an interesting philosophical piece.....,,1059-1420214,00.html"FIRST COMES the horror, the chilling horror of the disaster. Then comes the craving for statistics, as if to calibrate a response. Then come the anecdotes, the charity and finally the blame. None is so compelling as the blame. Blame somehow softens the horror. It mutates charity into insurance."
"History may yet see the dissipation of that sympathy and support in America’s attacks on and occupation of Islamic states as the last great folly of the 20th century. What might have become a global coalition against terror has been turned instead into a widespread and fanatical anti-Americanism. America and Britain’s overreaction to 9/11 and the reduction of Iraq to anarchy are classics of what Diamond calls a society recklessly “choosing to fail”.
Unlike the tsunami, in the case of Iraq we at least know whom to blame. The war is being waged by two democracies, Britain and America. For its outcome they have only themselves to blame. "