Probably somewhere on the SOS page.
If you can recount ballots, the by all means, encourage all the recounts anyone can afford!
Write to EVERY ONE of your state legislators, not just your own, about your concern about the issue and that you do NOT want your state to purchase any voting system that does not produce a voter verified paper ballot.
HAVA requires a permanent paper record with audit capacity. That can only mean a voter verified paper ballot folks.
State do not have to purchase machines by 2004. Because the legislation was so late in getting out, most states have applied for the waiver to 2006. If yours has not, and is crying about not enough time, time to ask them why?
Any law that forbids counting the paper ballot MUST be changed! Get cracking. You can form a citizen group, identify the changes in law you want, and get legislators to sponsor it. Oh, be prepared for a real battle from most SOS, who have been bought and sold on no paper. However, they have no right to undercut what the public wants and you need to make everyone aware that PAPER is the ONLY true EVIDENCE of actual, voter intent.
Voter verified paper ballots DO NOT infringe on the right of the disabled to vote. That printer on that Touch Screen does not inhibit them one little bit. It helps protect their vote, too. I'm very afraid that the visually impaired are going to be very, very disappointed. I watched one woman try to make Sequoia's system work for over 25 minutes... Vote independently, yes, get it done the same day, maybe not. I am not trying to be cruel, this is just the truth. Where the blind are concerned, I would think a keyboard system would provide better options.
Also, be aware that the blind have the ballot read back to them via headphones, so they get a review. I think both voter verified paper ballot systems now have the ability to print a bar code on the paper ballot, IN ADDITION to reading it, that the blind can scan and have audio verification. This is simply the best we can do at this point and I don't happen to believe that the rank and file of the visually disabled believe we should all have to vote on "faith", just because in large part, they do. That's like saying none of us should ever get a receipt for anything just because a small percentage can't read theirs. By the way, most organizations against paper ballots have had that edict come from the head down. Like the LWV, there are many on the lower levels who are angry and disgusted, because that decision WAS NOT made in the League manor, and those who protest are being literally told to just shut up. What picture does this make?
Get a network going and have it fan out. Write all the people involved, keep them updated, and keep them active.
Let them know big business wants to control their vote. How much more are they going to stand for? Corrupt business has cost them jobs, retirement funds, savings.... while that money, stolen from them by corporate fat cats who can never have too much "compensation," pour it back into the GOP coffers. YOUR money is financing Bush's campaign. Think they would use their own? Nope, just conduct fraudulent accounting, cut back more employees, rip a few hundred people off here and there, and give it to the Bush's.
What a deal.
If you are tired of it, then fight for your vote.