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Ten of the things we learned in 2004 about 9/11

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Minstrel Boy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-01-05 08:10 PM
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Ten of the things we learned in 2004 about 9/11
Edited on Sat Jan-01-05 08:13 PM by Minstrel Boy
Posted to my blog here.

1. The World Trade Center Black Boxes were recovered, though officials perpetuate the lie that they weren't.

2. FEMA really did arrive early in New York City, for the "bioterror drill" Tripod II, and Rudi Giuliani's testimony to that effect before the 9/11 Commission is its only public testimony which remains officially untranscribed.

3. The Total Information Awareness program was ready to roll out before Sept 11, and John Poindexter's office was established in the Pentagon no later than Sept 12.

4. A recording of six air traffic controllers' same-day detailing of their communication with two hijacked planes on September 11 was purposefully destroyed by the FAA.

5. NORAD was conducting a live-fly simulation of multiple hijackings on the morning of 9/11, which effectively hamstrung a fighter response already compromised by exercises which took the bulk of interceptors far from the eastern seaboard.

6. Dick Cheney was running a separate command and control communications system on 9/11, which whistleblower Indira Singh recognized as having "the exact same functionality I was looking to utilize Ptech," the high tech terrorist and intelligence cut-out that "was set up in the basement of the FAA" for two years before the attacks. (Go to this page to download video testimony of Mike Ruppert and Indira Singh on this subject.)

7. George Bush was unwilling to reluctanctly meet members of his reluctantly struck 9/11 Commission unless Cheney accompanied him, both were unsworn, their words were unrecorded and untranscribed, the meeting was private and in the White House, and the members' notebooks were confiscated afterwards.

8. That John Ashcroft made the case for Sibel Edmonds' State Secret Privilege gag order by claiming that disclosure of her testimony would "cause serious damage to the national security interests of the United States" suggests he is at least an accessory after the fact (Daniel Ellsberg believes Ashcroft deserving of jail time for his role in obstructing justice), as Edmonds has been able to say that her testimony involves "specific information implicating certain high level government and elected officials in criminal activities directly and indirectly related to terrorist money laundering, narcotics, and illegal arms sales."

9. Donald Rumsfeld confirmed what we knew all along, that Flight 93 was shot down, and the corporate media flew into damage control for the Pentagon, saying the Secretary "misspoke" and "stoked conspiracy theories."

10. As Pakistan wound down the search for Osama bin Laden and "prohibited" American forces based in Afghanistan from making cross-border incursions into the Tribal Areas, Musharraf was rewarded with the approving words that his continuing rule remains an internal matter for Pakistanis. (Afghanistan was, arguably, more cooperative in their attempt to bring bin Laden to justice, and Iraq was not a rogue nuclear state.)
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liberal N proud Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-01-05 08:17 PM
Response to Original message
1. If the documentary I was watching on the History Channel was correct
The flight attendants of American Flight 11 called to American Airlines desk and told them they had been hijacked with in minutes the take-over.
That is something I had not heard before. This should have given them enough time to put fighters in the air if some one hadn't had their head up their ass.
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bobthedrummer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-01-05 08:22 PM
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2. A coup of sorts that's failed imho.
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vpigrad Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-01-05 08:29 PM
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3. And one thing we didn't see...
was the long-awaited proof that a plane hit the Pentagon. That was promised, but never shown.
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ocean girl Donating Member (488 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-01-05 09:37 PM
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4. Thanks MB!
I don't post very often, but I read all your stuff.

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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sat Jan-01-05 10:53 PM
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Mr. JOE BERGANTINO (Reporter, WBZ-TV): The worst-case scenario is that this is a situation where this was planned for a very long time to establish a company in this country and in the computer software business that would target federal agencies and gain access to key government data to essentially help terrorists launch another attack.

ARNOLD: Part of what concerns experts is the nature of Ptech's software. They say it's used to broadly assess strengths and weaknesses across organizations.

Ms. INDIRA SINGH (Risk Management and Computer Systems Consultant): The Ptech consultants and employees come into contact with the most sensitive information in an organization.

ARNOLD: Indira Singh was one of the first people to raise alarm about Ptech. She's a risk management and computer systems consultant. Singh was working with a major Wall Street bank and was thinking of using Ptech's software and consulting services. While checking on the company, she talked to an ex-employee. She says that person told her that some people at Ptech were concerned that one of its central investors was Yasin al-Qadi, who the FBI suspects of financing terrorist groups. Singh says she was told that at least several other employees and executives had ties to organizations suspected by the US government of funding terrorism. Singh says given that Ptech was doing work for the FBI, the Air Force, Navy and a host of other agencies, she became very concerned.


The nuclear Jihad

Right from its inception, the clandestine nuclear and missile projects in Pakistan were treated as a top secret intelligence operation of the Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) to ensure deniability. All payments to the foreign suppliers were made not from the accounts of the Government of Pakistan, but from private accounts in the BCCI, which collapsed in 1991, and other Dubai and Geneva based banks. These accounts were opened by the Gokul brothers of Geneva, one of whom was jailed for cheating in the UK after the collapse of the BCCI, Shaukat Aziz, Pakistan's present Finance Minister, who was working in the Gulf for the Citibank in the 1990s, Dawood Ibrahim, the mafia leader who was designated by the USA as an international terrorist in October last year, Dubai-based Pakistani smugglers and A.Q. Khan and other trusted Pakistani scientists.

The financial contributions from Libya, Iran and Saudi Arabia were transferred to these accounts from numbered secret Swiss accounts and payments to the overseas suppliers were made from these accounts.

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Al-CIAda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 11:34 AM
Response to Reply #5
13. Audio from the NYC "9/11 Omissions Hearings"
Edited on Sun Jan-02-05 11:36 AM by Al-CIAda
Audio from the NYC "9/11 Omissions Hearings"

PART I- Vital Questions NOT ANSWERED, Comission compromised, 'Failure' rewarded



PART IV- PTEC Stock Monitoring and Terrorism Financing (JP MORGAN & CHASE)Testimony of INDIRA SINGH"

To site-
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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 12:48 AM
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6. My Pet Goat.
The dick cut brush after reading -- check that -- hearing this:

Two and a half years after 9/11, the American public learned today that President Bush received explicit warnings that Osama bin Laden was planning to attack the United States – including activities "consistent with preparations for hijacking."

A NORTHWOODS moment: This from the same place reminds us of what many DUers suspected Bush knew in 2001 was CONFIRMED in 2004...

August 6, 2001: Bush Administration Warned 'Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States'

April 8, 2004

Two and a half years after 9/11, the American public learned today that President Bush received explicit warnings that Osama bin Laden was planning to attack the United States – including activities "consistent with preparations for hijacking." Yet, there was no domestic follow-up by the Bush administration. No high level meetings. No sense of urgency. No warnings to FBI agents across the country.

We now know why the Bush administration has been hiding the Aug. 6, 2001, intelligence briefing for the president, called "Bin Laden Determined to Attack Inside the United States." All of the 9/11 Commission members – Republicans and Democrats – have asked the Bush administration to declassify this document. There are precedents for releasing presidential daily briefings and the American public deserves to know what President Bush knew and when.

We also learned that there appears to have been no response to explicit and repeated warnings about al Qaeda attacks. National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice's claim that the FBI sent warnings to field offices was directly disputed by commissioners who said they had conducted thousands of interviews and reviewed thousands of documents. Their conclusion: no one at the FBI can recall such orders.

Today's hearing also confirmed evidence that the administration had done little or nothing to combat the terrorist threat between Jan. 20, 2001, and Sept. 10, 2001. Rice repeatedly used the claim that the administration was developing a "strategic approach" as an excuse for not acting. There was no response to the bombing of the USS Cole that claimed 17 American lives and the administration tried to cut counterterrorism funding.


BTW: Great post, as always. Minstrel Man, You never cease to amaze.

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seemslikeadream Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 10:22 AM
Response to Reply #6
9. just a good goat kick

That Minstrel San is good, isn't he, Octafish?
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Octafish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 06:40 PM
Response to Reply #9
18. Like all good DUers...
MB's the best there is.

Rising of a New Man
by Renata Palubinskas
48" x 24" Oil on Canvas, 1998


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OneBlueSky Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 12:59 AM
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7. great summary, MB . . . I'm particularly interested in #5 . . .
"NORAD was conducting a live-fly simulation of multiple hijackings on the morning of 9/11, which effectively hamstrung a fighter response already compromised by exercises which took the bulk of interceptors far from the eastern seaboard." . . .

the odds of NORAD conicidentally conducting these exercises on the very day that they actually happened have to be astronomical . . . coincidence? . . . I doubt it . . .

a couple of other things learned last year are 1) the info from the structural engineer (who, I believe, was involved in the WTC construction) about the impossibility of the WTC collapse having happened as hypothesized in the "official story", and 2) the comments from someone in the know (I forget exactly who) about how the collapse of WTC7 was a planned event . . . (I have source info about both of these bookmarked somewhere, but it would be difficult to retrieve it right now) . . .
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Minstrel Boy Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 12:27 PM
Response to Reply #7
16. I forgot that one: Kevin Ryan of Underwriters Laboratories,
the company that certified the steel componets used in the constuction of the World Trade Center towers, wrote:

"This story just does not add up. If steel from those buildings did soften or melt, I’m sure we can all agree that this was certainly not due to jet fuel fires of any kind, let alone the briefly burning fires in those towers. That fact should be of great concern to all Americans. Alternatively, the contention that this steel did fail at temperatures around 250C suggests that the majority of deaths on 9/11 were due to a safety-related failure. That suggestion should be of great concern to my company.

"There is no question that the events of 9/11 are the emotional driving force behind the War on Terror. And the issue of the WTC collapse is at the crux of the story of 9/11. My feeling is that your metallurgical tests are at the crux of the crux of the crux. Either you can make sense of what really happened to those buildings, and communicate this quickly, or we all face the same destruction and despair that come from global decisions based on disinformation and 'chatter'.

"Thanks for your efforts to determine what happened on that day. You may know that there are a number of other current and former government employees that have risked a great deal to help us to know the truth. I've copied one of these people on this message as a sign of respect and support. I believe your work could also be a nucleus of fact around which the truth, and thereby global peace and justice, can grow again. Please do what you can to quickly eliminate the confusion regarding the ability of jet fuel fires to soften or melt structural steel."


And guess what happened next?

9/11 whistleblower, Kevin Ryan (Underwriters Laboratories) FIRED

According to Nic Levis, east coast director of, "David Ray Griffin has received confirmation that Kevin Ryan, site manager of the Environmental Health Laboratories (Underwriters Laboratories), was fired today by the parent company, Underwriters Laboratories, apparently for writing a letter questioning certain common theories of the Twin Towers collapses to the leader of the U.S. government NIST team researching the World Trade Center events..."

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Al-CIAda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 12:48 PM
Response to Reply #7
17. The non-response of NORAD and lack of defense of the Pentagon.
The non-response of NORAD and lack of defense of the Pentagon.
Testimony of Sentor Dayton and an interview with Dr. Bowman (Lt. Col. Ret. USAF) by Micheal Kane. He discusses the war games planned that very morning at the exact time the event occured.
Powerful 15 min....must see imho
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DemonFighterLives Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 01:45 AM
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8. Thanks for this review
You Rock!:yourock:
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nascarblue Donating Member (693 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 10:36 AM
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10. Mohammed Atta was a cokehead and had a stripper girlfriend.
Edited on Sun Jan-02-05 10:41 AM by nascarblue
Mohammed Atta was NOT Islamic. He was a drug dealer and lived with that stripper who was constantly threatened by the FBI. Jeb Bush's role also was quite interesting. The fact that he confiscated all the police records in Venice and we never heard about it again. Also, Florida Senator Graham's role. Florida is a bad, bad state. Hanging chads, and 14 Saudi terrorists in a retirement community that has an average age of 69 I find shocking. They would stick out like a sore thumb. Plus, they had "100's of Saudi's enroll in flight schools in Florida", yet they only have three airports in all of Saudi Arabia. At the same time, they were sending refugees back to Haiti to be killed. Also that that Dutch guy who owned the flight school in Venice, Florida who was on every single mainstream news program the week after 9-11. I found him particularly interesting. He bought the flight school just before 9-11. He's has an extensive criminal background and was tied to 47 kilos of heroin in Florida. 47 keys of "H" is A LOT of money. It's unbelievable that all this stuff is out there by legitimate witnesses and nothing's been done.

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Blecht Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 11:17 AM
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11. Wow -- Excellent post.
Thank you.
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Al-CIAda Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 11:30 AM
Response to Original message
12. Audio from the NYC "9/11 Omissions Hearings"
Audio from the NYC "9/11 Omissions Hearings"

PART I- Vital Questions NOT ANSWERED, Comission comprimised, 'Failure' rewarded



PART IV- PTEC Stock Monitoring and Terrorism Financing (JP MORGAN & CHASE)
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jhain Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 11:38 AM
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14. Appreciate all your work
It always helps to see it here- sometimes I feel like it is all a nightmare...
those are the good days...
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ScaRBama Donating Member (107 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Sun Jan-02-05 11:41 AM
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15. Why is it that people....
have so little interest in 911 anymore?
I think most people just want to sweep it under the rug and fall right in line with what the inner circle wants.

Again nice work MB!!!
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