of some neocons and their apologists, just made more apparent in the aftermath of the Indian Ocean tragedies. There are some revealing interview excerpts as well. As Digby comments,
These people really don't give a shit. And they can't quite cover their lack of basic human decency. It's just too fundamental to who they are.
CNN (which by the way has seen a huge boost in ratings over Fox during the past week, proving once again that FOX is not a news channel, it's a partisan political channel) has been on the disaster 24/7 letting the story unfold naturally with footage and stories and tales of heroism and horror. That our president was unable to grasp the significance of these pictures and these stories and feel empathy for the victims is bad enough. That he didn't see the opportunity to mend some of the wounds he has created and allowed to fester is a failure of leadership so profound that I wonder if it may not define his presidency. (snip)
Digby's blog ("Hullabaloo") home page is here:
http://digbysblog.blogspot.comAnd the post I am referring to is the most recent one, dated Jan 1, titled "Waves of Despair."