,4057,11832383%255E28477,00.htmlAUSTRALIAN religious leaders have interpreted the tsunami as a warning from God.
Leaders from several faiths said the killer waves were caused by God's anger with human immorality.
Anglican Dean of Sydney, Phillip Jensen, said the will of God involved His creation of the world but it also involved His judgment on the sinfulness of humanity.
"Disasters are part of His warning that judgment is coming," Dean Jensen said.
Australian Federation of Islamic Councils chief executive Amjad Mehboob said it could not have happened unless it was God's will.
"Islam teaches that when we do suffer some misfortune, it is what our own hands have wrought, and we must seek the forgiveness of God." (Then victims of 911, bali, Israeli bus bombers etc. 'deserved what they got' will be next argument.)
However, Dr Appupillay Bala, president of the Hindu Council of Australia, said that he did not believe the tsunami was a direct result of God's anger.
"I don't think most Hindus would say that it's a punishment from God. I don't think they'd believe that God would punish us collectively," Dr Bala said.
I don't get this. I remember Robertson and Falwell saying the same nonsense after 9/11.
I know why they say it. It's all about fire and brimstone in both religions. God is punishing the heathens for an "immoral" lifestyle. It's mostly coming from psychotic fundy preachers (that piece of shit Phelps) in this country or nutcase Islamic fundies. Is this the case with the three major monotheistic religions of notion of blaming the victims? I myself think it's something peculiar to Islam and Christianity.
I'm not saying Judaism, Hinduism, and other religions don't have their extremists. They sure do, but I think the Christian and Muslim fundies are especially similar in many ways.