big time now. The bastards sending our kids off to die and at the very least to be physically and emotionally scared for life and all you bastards that support this shit are equally as guilty. If you lost a love one because of your misguided belief this is some how some show of your patriotism or support for your country then I am truly sorry for your loss, but your full of shit.
War is about Greed (you want what some one else has or you want it all for yourself), Arrogance( you want to tell other people how to live and meddle in affairs that don't concern you) or fucking out and out Criminal Activity (murder, oppression and abuse of others).
Sure you have a right to defend yourself, but remember illegal wars are determined by the victor. That means if the British, Germans, Japanese the South or American Indians had won during their day a lot of Americans would have been tried and executed for war crimes. Put this shit in perspective we pretend to fear a lot of people that on the surface seem different then us, but in reality we are a lot more alike then different. Our war drum might be a little more high tech though.